深冲板织构演变的实验研究,刘雅政,孙景宏,厚向各向异性和平面各向同性是深冲板深冲性能的保证。钢板深冲性能由其晶体学织构控制。{111}<112> 和 {111}<110>是其理想织构组分,由�
2024-02-24 09:17:57 482KB 首发论文
Python备忘单 这个代表越来越多的Python速查表清单。 发现错别字或有建议吗? 分叉,做出贡献并根据您的口味进行调整! 目前包括: 安装 如果要单独安装软件包,请进入相应的.md文件以获取有关如何安装的说明。 从项目根目录: 通过点: $ pip install -r requirements.txt 通过Anaconda: $ conda install --yes --file requirements.txt 这会将所有软件包安装到您的环境中。 未来的补充: 基本的Python语法 (大概)熊猫 PyBind
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精致的Python常用库的Cheat Sheet,共7个,含numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib等等
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The trend towards higher resolutions, higher fame rates, and higher color depth in flat panel displays, particularly LCD panels, is pushing the capabilities of previous interfaces. This trend is even exceeding display drivers to the limit. The aggregate bandwidth requirement for state-of-the art d
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QCA9531 802.11n 2x2 2.4 GHz Premium SOC for WLAN Platforms Data Sheet 80-Y5377-1 Rev. B August 2013
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The PAC1932/3/4 are two, three and four-channel power and energy monitoring devices. A high-voltagemultiplexer sequentially connects the inputs to a bus voltage monitor and current sense amplifier that feed high-resolution ADCs. Digital circuitry performs power calculations and energy accumulation.
2023-07-11 09:40:54 903KB 电流监测芯片
NULL 博文链接:https://goooooooo.iteye.com/blog/658249
2023-04-24 13:44:00 536KB 源码 工具
This specification describes a source driver IC with iSP interface for TFT LCD Panel. It offers 64 gray-scale (6-bit) voltages per output channel. This driver receives 9-bit differential data from timing controller which embedded clock information and outputs 1446 channel LCD driving voltage. This
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2023-03-30 19:36:12 57KB Python 操作Excel 数据 sheet
The IMX264LQR-C is a diagonal 11.1 mm(Type 2/3) CMOS active pixel type solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array and 5.07 M effective pixels. This chip features a global shutter with variable charge-integration time. This chip operates with analog 3.3 V, digital 1.2 V, and interface 1.8 V triple power supply, and has low power consumption. High sensitivity, low dark current and low PLS characteristics are achieved. (Applications: FA cameras, ITS cameras)
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