深入的OpenGL编程电子书,很不错CHAPTER 1Geometry Representation and Modeling 31.1 Polygonal Representation 31.2 Decomposition and Tessellation 41.3 Shading Normals 81.3.1 Smooth Shading 91.3.2 Vertex Winding Order 111.4 Triangle Stripping 121.4.1 Greedy Tri-stripping 131.5 Vertices and Vertex Arrays 141.5.1 Vertex Buffer Objects 151.5.2 Triangle Lists 161.6 Modeling vs. Rendering Revisited 17viTEAM LinGContents viiCHAPTER 23D Transformations 192.1 Data Representation 192.2 Overview of the Transformation Pipeline 202.2.1 Object Space and the Modelview Transform 202.2.2 Eye Space and Projection Transform 212.2.3 Clip Space and Perspective Divide 222.2.4 NDC Space and the Viewport Transform 222.2.5 Window Space 232.3 Normal Transformation 232.4 Texture Coordinate Generation and Transformation 252.4.1 Texture Matrix 252.4.2 Texture Coordinate Generation 252.5 Modeling Transforms 272.6 Visualizing Transform Sequences 282.7 Projection Transform 302.8 The Z Coordinate and Perspective Projection 302.8.1 Z Coordinates and Fog 322.9 Vertex Programs 322.10 Summary 34CHAPTER 3Color, Shading, and Lighting 353.1 Representing Color 353.1.1 Resolution and Dynamic Range 363.1.2 Gamma 373.1.3 Alpha 393.1.4 Color Index 393.2 Shading 403.3 Lighting 433.3.1 Intensities, Colors, and Materials 463.3.2 Light Source Properties 47TEAM LinGviii Contents3.3.3 Material Properties 493.3.4 Vertex and Fragment Lighting 503.4 Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Arithmetic 533.4.1 Biased Arithmetic 543.5 Summary 56CHAPTER 4Digital Images and Image Manipulation 574.1 Image Representation 574.2 Digital Filtering 604.3 Convolution 624.4 Images in OpenGL 634.5 Positioning Images 654.6 Pixel Store Operations 654.7 Pixel Transfer Operations 674.7.1 Scale and Bias 67
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