Conformal Equivalence Checking User Guide Conformal L, Conformal XL, and Conformal GXL Product Version 15.2 November 2015
2023-09-14 10:47:49 3.68MB lec Conformal
视窗 的Ubuntu OS X 与我们聊天 覆盖范围 待定 待定 关于 是针对基于LLVM的语言的自动化分析框架。 该版本支持LLVM 5.0。 执照 是根据经过修改的BSD许可证发行的。 有关详细信息,请参见 。 安装 cd seahorn ; mkdir build ; cd build cd seahorn ; mkdir build ; cd build (build目录也可以在源目录之外。) cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=run ../ (添加-GNinja以使用生成器代替默认生成器。可以使用-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=设置构建类型(发布,调试)。) cmake --build . 建立依赖关系(Z3和LLVM) cmake --build . --target extra && cmake .. cmake --bu
2023-04-07 10:54:08 1.77MB llvm static-analysis verification model-checking
The active research field of OBDD~, This is very useful in model checking!
2023-01-25 16:13:30 3.09MB OBDD Model checking
SRMD Pytorch (English version is down below) (建议在环境下操作) 本仓库改编于原作者项目 相关论文:CVPR 2018 模型结构: SRMD已经训练的模型保存在model_zoo中。(模型来源于原作者 SRMD模型: srmd_x2.pth srmd_x3.pth srmd_x4.pth 输入:19维的数据,其中15维为经过PCA降维后进行维度拉伸的模糊核,还有1个维度为图片噪声维度,另外3个维度分别为图片的RGB通道,即模型输入为:(19,图片宽,图片高) 图片经过GAN网络的处理,最后进行PixelShuffle,放大指定的倍数。 输出:放大了的图片的RGB通道,即模型输出为:(3,图片宽,图
2022-08-15 17:14:24 158.33MB pytorch super-resolution srmd Python
2022-05-19 19:35:18 5.42MB model checking
简体中文论文查重系统 写在前面 本项目于在2017年完成了第一版并购使用,后经一年多的稳定运行和维护升级,于2018年开源。由于项目架构较老,目前本项目以维护为主进行常规更新和BUG修复,不再进行大的功能性更新。 相关SDK 目前团队开发了一套新的查重SDK(JAVA版)项目链接: :// 使用示例: : SDK相较于本项目更新频率更高也拥有一些更新更高级的特性。现有的多个商用查重系统和查重网站基于此SDK开发上线。欢迎大家试用,反馈,希望它能帮助大家开发另外,C ++,C#版在计划开发中。 安装使用教程 1,克隆源代码2,使用vs打开,编译(vs需安装.NET开发组件) 3,运行paper_checking.exe文件即可兼容性要求: Windows 7及以上版本,vs2017及以上版本,需安装vc2015运行库和.NET Framework4.6。其他版本需自行测试。报错排除: 1,如果运行时报pdfbox相关错误可将引用中的pdfbox-app.dll删除掉重新添加,然后尝试重新编译。 2,如果IKVM或Spire报错,可
model checking 的ppt,应该有帮助的
2021-10-24 21:09:12 172KB model checking
Model Checking经典书籍,如果做形式化验证的话属于必读系列
2021-10-12 21:47:47 5.11MB ModelC 模型检测
Model checking is a computer-assisted method for the analysis of dynamical systems that can be modeled by state-transition systems. Drawing from research traditions in mathematical logic, programming languages, hardware design, and theoretical computer science, model checking is now widely used for the verification of hardware and software in industry. This chapter is an introduction and short survey of model checking. The chapter aims to motivate and link the individual chapters of the handbook, and to provide context for readers who are not familiar with model checking.
2021-10-11 23:59:24 9.17MB 模型检测
Model checking is a technique for verifying finite state concurrent systems such as sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. It has a number of advantages over traditional approaches that are based on simulation, testing, and deductive reasoning. In particular, model checking is automatic and usually quite fast. Also, if the design contains an error, model checking will produce a counterexample that can be used to pinpoint the source of the error. The method, which was awarded the 1998 ACM Paris Kanellakis Award for Theory and Practice, has been used successfully in practice to verify real industrial designs, and companies are beginning to market commercial model checkers. The main challenge in model checking is dealing with the state space explosion problem. This problem occurs in systems with many components that can interact with each other or systems with data structures that can assume many different values. In such cases the number of global states can be enormous. Researchers have made considerable progress on this problem over the last ten years. This is the first comprehensive presentation of the theory and practice of model checking. The book, which includes basic as well as state-of-the-art techniques, algorithms, and tools, can be used both as an introduction to the subject and as a reference for researchers. About the Authors Edmund M. Clarke, a pioneer of the automated method called Model Checking, is FORE Systems Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and a winner of the 2007 Turing Award given by the Association for Computing Machinery. Doron Peled is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Endorsements "Model Checking is bound to be the pre-eminent source for research, teaching, and industrial practice on this important subject. The authors include the foremost experts. This is the first truly comprehensive treatment of
2021-10-02 16:12:10 10.92MB Model Checking 模型检查 Edmund