With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), smart devices are about to become even smarter. This practical guide demonstrates how this exciting wireless technology helps developers build mobile apps that share data with external hardware, and how hardware engineers can gain easy and reliable access to mobile operating systems., This book provides a solid, high-level overview of how devices use BLE to communicate with each other. You'll learn useful low-cost tools for developing and testing BLE-enabled mobile apps and embedded firmware and get examples using various development platforms—including iOS and Android for app developers and embedded platforms for product designers and hardware engineers.
2022-11-24 14:07:59 17.47MB 蓝牙
Pulse Express板可轻松获取三个重要参数-SpO2,心率和血压趋势(BPT)。
2022-11-07 16:23:19 293KB bluetooth low energy medical
ble-serial-service BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)串行协议服务 安装依赖 npm install 运行 ble-serial-service node main.js 连接建立后,您可以将文本数据从标准输入发送到 ble 中央设备。
2022-09-18 21:40:30 10KB JavaScript
owonb35 适用于Owon B35万用表的蓝牙客户端,适用于具有Semic CS7729CN-001芯片的新型(2017年中后)万用表。 使用Fortune Semiconductor FS9922芯片的较旧万用表应使用 。 系列万用表使用低功耗蓝牙(BLE)将读数传输到智能手机应用程序等远程显示器。 该Linux客户端允许将测量数据捕获到您的计算机上,以记录在文件中或显示在gnuplot或KST等制图软件上。 要求 此客户端需要安装 BLE库。 编译后的软件包可用于安装而无需编译。 安装 下载已或源代码以自己编译。 编译是一个简单的make 。 用法 客户端被设计为简单的测量数据接收器,其输出格式可以通过管道传输到其他工具中进行处理或显示。 owonb35 [-s|-S|-t|-T|-d] [-c|-j] [-n|-u|-m|-b|-k|-M] [-x] [-r] [-q
2022-08-10 08:49:16 12KB bluetooth-low-energy owon C
A radical new departure from conventional Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) will enable a whole new generation of wireless applications in industries ranging from healthcare to transportation. Running on a single coin-sized battery, BLE can run for years, connecting and extending everything from Personal Area Network devices to next-generation sensors. In Bluetooth Low Energy, one of the standard's developers has written the first comprehensive, accessible introduction to BLE for every system developer, designer, and engineer. Robin Heydon, a member of the Bluetooth "Hall of Fame" brings together information currently scattered through multiple standards documents, offering the context and leading-edge implementation insights needed to build high-performance working systems with BLE. Heydon begins by reviewing BLE's design goals, explaining how they drove key architectural decisions, and introducing BLE's innovative usage models. Next, he thoroughly covers the Controller side of the standard, offering detailed information on physical and link layers, direct test mode, and the host controller interface. Finally, he turns to BLE hosts, explaining L2CAP, attributes, BLE security, and the Generic Access Profile. This book will be an indispensable companion to the official BLE standards documents for every technical professional and decision-maker who is considering BLE, planning BLE products, or transforming plans into working systems.
2022-06-10 12:20:57 6.5MB Bluetooth
什么 这是一款适用于ANT +自行车速度和踏频(CSC)传感器,ANT +心率传感器以及基于ANT + Stride的速度和距离传感器的Ant + to BLE(蓝牙低能耗)桥接应用程序。 该应用程序将充当循环速度/节奏和/或HR BLE传感器和/或BLE运行速度/节奏,以便其他BLE设备(手机,PC,Mac,平板电脑)可以从ANT +传感器读取数据。 安装 或者,您可以下载的apk并使用adb进行安装: adb install -r /path/to/app-release.apk 细节 这是一个Android应用,可在后台(实际上是在Android前台服务中)读取ANT +自行车速度/节奏(CSC),心率传感器和/或基于步幅的速度和距离(SDM)传感器,并宣传自己为Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)设备可实现Cycling Speed and Cadence P
2022-05-25 18:46:54 619KB bluetooth-low-energy android-app ant-plus cycling
FlutterBleLib Flutter中满足您所有蓝牙低功耗需求的库。 内部使用Polidea的 ,该在和上运行。 BLE模拟器 该库支持 (BLE模拟器)。 该仿真允许开发人员在没有物理智能手机或BLE外围设备的情况下进行开发,并在自动化测试中使用与生产BLE相关的代码。 安装 要使用此插件,请 中将flutter_ble_lib添加为 。 安卓 设置minSDKVersion在[project]/android/app/build.gradle文件18。 defaultConfig { .. . minSdkVersion 18 .. . } API 18中已添加了对蓝牙低功耗的支持,因此该库要求将minSDKVersion设置为18。如果BLE不是应用程序的核心,则可以覆盖它并在代码中处理支持检测。 注意:您不需要将任何与BLE相关的权限添加到AndroidM
2022-05-18 16:34:41 271KB ble bluetooth-low-energy flutter Dart
py-bluetooth-utils 包含蓝牙实用程序功能的Python模块,尤其用于轻松进行BLE扫描和广告发布 它要么通过PyBluez使用HCI命令,要么像在hzconfig之类的Bluez工具中那样执行ioctl调用。 主要功能: toggle_device :启用或禁用蓝牙设备 set_scan :在设备上设置扫描类型(“ noscan”,“ iscan”,“ pscan”,“ piscan”) enable/disable_le_scan :启用BLE扫描 parse_le_advertising_events :解析BLE通告数据包 start/stop_le_advertising :使用BLE公布自定义数据 Bluez: : PyBluez的: : 该模块特别受'iBeacon-Scanner-'( )的启发,有时甚至直接来自Bluez来源。
2022-05-09 15:47:55 10KB python bluetooth ble bluetooth-low-energy
SensorTag加速度计 连接到TI CC2650 SensorTag进行加速度测量的Android应用。 确实 实时显示所有三个轴上的加速度测量值 在一定时间范围内记录加速度数据 显示最大经验组合加速度 线图显示所有三个轴的值以及组合的加速度 将原始数据导出为CSV 在运行固件1.32的TI SensorTag CC2650STK上进行了测试。 图书馆 该项目使用以下库 Android AppCompat和支持库
使用这些蓝牙MIDI适配器之一将USB MIDI乐器转换为无线设备。
2022-02-03 06:01:16 1.95MB bluetooth low energy midi