This is the first book approaching the topic of shaders in such an accessible manner. By taking a simple, easy-to-follow approach to the high-level language of this topic and separating itself from 3D API's "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" brings the world of real-time shading to a broad audience, ranging from the game programming hobbyist to the seasoned game developer. This unique combination of its simple approach and the wide variety of techniques that are covered makes "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" a one-of-a-kind guide that can serve as both a tutorial for the classroom and a reference manual that can be used by developers throughout the development cycle.
2021-12-26 13:33:51 27.79MB Shader 编程
音乐推荐 Yahoo音乐推荐系统基于专辑的多个用户评分,并向用户提供歌曲推荐。 数据集 数据集名称-Yahoo! 音乐曲目,专辑,艺术家和流派的音乐用户评分 链接-https: 大小-1.5 GB 数据集说明 雅虎! 音乐提供了与音乐许多方面相关的大量信息和服务。 该数据集表示Yahoo!的快照。 音乐社区对各种音乐项目的偏好。 该数据集的一个显着特征是,用户评级被赋予四种不同类型的实体:曲目,专辑,艺术家和流派。 此外,项目在层次结构中捆绑在一起。 也就是说,对于一首曲目,我们知道其专辑,表演艺术家和相关流派的身份。 同样,我们为专辑提供了艺术家和流派注释。 数据集包含Yahoo Music真正客户在1999-2009年间提供的评分。 用户和项目(曲目,专辑,艺术家和流派)均表示为无意义的匿名数字。 项目介绍 在Yahoo Music数据集上-艺术家,专辑,歌曲,流派 轨迹1:预测用
2021-08-24 21:48:57 35.73MB artists songs album music-recommendation
This is the first book approaching the topic of shaders in such an accessible manner. By taking a simple, easy-to-follow approach to the high-level language of this topic and separating itself from 3D API's "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" brings the world of real-time shading to a broad audience, ranging from the game programming hobbyist to the seasoned game developer. This unique combination of its simple approach and the wide variety of techniques that are covered makes "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" a one-of-a-kind guide that can serve as both a tutorial for the classroom and a reference manual that can be used by developers throughout the development cycle.
2021-07-29 18:05:25 27.79MB shader 游戏开发
2021-07-01 17:03:37 1.84MB 物联网
拉丁艺术家网络 使用Billboard提供的每周排名图表对顶级拉丁艺术家进行网络分析。 这项工作的完成是由于(用户)的 API的帮助
2021-03-29 10:09:18 12KB