Jpeg 编码器和解码器,胡余恨写的编码器,我写的解码器,你可以联系我获取任何信息。
2022-12-27 17:57:24 96KB matlab
展示了 Jpeg 压缩标准的简单实现,每个步骤都有易于理解的算法
2022-11-25 21:45:11 2KB matlab
《MPEG-JPEG 编解码技术》附带光盘的源代码 完整版 Visual C++开发工具
2022-10-09 22:51:44 52.17MB MPEG-JPEG 编解码
Visual C++实现MPEG/JPEG编解码技术(光盘)完整代码
2022-07-01 17:04:04 806KB JPEG编解码 C语言
libjpeg-turbo 交叉编译aarch64 6.5.0 jpeg图像加速库
2022-06-29 09:13:36 1.04MB libjpeg-turbo 交叉编译 aarch64 jpeg编解码
该包不仅有JPEG的编码程序,而且有JPEG的解码程序。 是直接从从事图像编码和图像通信的研究人员获得的。里面的参数也可以修改,以便可以让自己更好的利用这个程序,加深对JPEG国际标准的认识和理解。绝对可靠,具有非常好的可移植性。
2022-03-09 19:47:25 1.83MB JPEG编码源程序 JPEG解码程序
The JPEG 2000 Suite The JPEG 2000 Suite provides a comprehensive overview of the baseline JPEG 2000 standard and its extensions. The first part of the book sets out the core coding system, additions to the standard and reference software. The second part discusses the successful deployment of JPEG 2000 in application domains such as video surveillance, digital cinema, digital television, medical imaging, defence imaging, security, geographic imaging and remote sensing, digital culture imaging and 3D graphics. The book also presents implementation strategies accompanied by existing software and hardware solutions. Describes secure JPEG 2000 (JPSEC), interactivity protocols (JPIP), volumetric image data compression (JP3D) and image compression in wireless environments (JPWL), amongst others. Uses a structure which allows for easy cross-reference with the components of the standard. Sets out practical implementation examples and results. Examines strategies for future image compression techniques, including Advanced Image Coding and JPEG XR. Includes contributions from international specialists in industry and academia who have worked on the development of the JPEG 2000 standard. Additional material can be found at The JPEG 2000 Suite is an excellent introduction to the JPEG 2000 standard and is of great appeal to practising electronics engineers, researchers, and hardware and software developers using and developing image coding techniques. Graduate students taking courses on image compression, digital archiving, and data storage techniques will also find the book useful, as will graphic designers, artists, and decision makers in industries developing digital applications
2021-12-16 10:09:35 103.57MB jpeg编解码
2021-09-27 16:35:08 73KB jpeg 编码 解码 dct变换
2021-09-25 19:02:53 806KB JPEG编解码 c语言 哈夫曼编码 BMP