The J750 HSD100 digital channel board drives digital signals to the DUT and receives signals from the DUT at up to 100 MHz. Each J750 test system can have up to eight digital channel cards in a 512 channel test head or 16 digital channel cards in a 1024 channel test head with 64 digital channels on each channel card. The digital channel cards are air cooled and can be inserted into any of the channel card slots in the test head. Pin electronics on the digital channel cards connect to the DUT pins.
2022-04-10 21:34:44 54.43MB J750 ATE
Mod1 J750 Tester Overview.ppt Mod2 Test Program Overview.ppt Mod3 DUT to Tester Interface.ppt Mod4 DC Tests.ppt Mod5 DC Test Debug.ppt Mod6 Functional Tests.ppt Mod7 Patterns.ppt Mod8 Characterization.ppt Mod9 Custom Coding.ppt
2021-09-23 20:32:53 9.86MB J750培训资料 J750 training Ma
这份是J750各种硬件的参数手册,可以用来查阅各种板卡的通道数,电压电流spec等等 J750/J750Ex Specifications: Table of Contents APMU Specifications CTO Specifications DPS Specifications HDVIS Specifications ICUA Specifications ICUD Specifications J750 Digital Channel Specifications J750Ex Digital Channel Specifications MSO Specifications RFID Specifications
2021-06-19 18:02:47 662KB J750 Spec J750硬件手册
2019-12-21 21:21:08 8.95MB J750
J750集成电路测试系统软硬件使用说明 J750集成电路测试系统软硬件使用说明
J750 training lab ALL FILE
2019-12-21 18:50:13 2.19MB J750 ALL
ATE J750学习 资料 软件使用方法。包括Pattern编程的基本用法。
2019-12-21 18:49:56 6.2MB