BRUCE E. HANSEN 《Econometrics》
2022-11-03 21:05:49 6.44MB 计量经济学
Bruce Schneier\Applied Cryptography (527)
2022-09-20 09:01:11 1.85MB cryptography
再找不出一本对DRAM+DISK讲的这么详细的书了。 书中给出的大量references也很棒。 Is your memory hierarchy stopping your microprocessor from performing at the high level it should be? Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk shows you how to resolve this problem. The book tells you everything you need to know about the logical design and operation, physical design and operation, performance characteristics and resulting design trade-offs, and the energy consumption of modern memory hierarchies. You learn how to to tackle the challenging optimization problems that result from the side-effects that can appear at any point in the entire hierarchy. As a result you will be able to design and emulate the entire memory hierarchy. . Understand all levels of the system hierarchy -Xcache, DRAM, and disk. . Evaluate the system-level effects of all design choices. . Model performance and energy consumption for each component in the memory hierarchy.
2022-08-30 00:44:29 22.66MB
2022-07-11 10:42:58 6.22MB java编程思想
《c++编程思想》是由Bruce Eckel编写的一本书籍。本书的内容、讲授方法,选用例子和跟随的练习,别具特色。作者Bruce Eckel不是按传统的方法讲解C++的概念和编程方法,而是根据他自己过去学习C++的亲身体会,根据他在多年教学实践中发现的问题,用一些非常简单的例子和简练的叙述,阐明了在学习C++中特别容易混淆的概念。
从本书获得的各项大奖以及来自世界各地的读者评论中,不难看出这是一本经典之作。本书的作者拥有多年教学经验,对C、C++以及Java语言都有独到、深入的见解,以通俗易懂及小而直接的示例解释了一个个晦涩抽象的概念。本书共22章,包括操作符、控制执行流程、访问权限控制、复用类、多态、接口、通过异常处理错误、字符串、泛型、数组、容器深入研究、Java I/O系统、枚举类型、并发以及图形化用户界面等内容。这些丰富的内容,包含了Java语言基础语法以及高级特性,适合各个层次的Java程序员阅读,同时也是高等院校讲授面向对象程序设计语言以及Java语言的绝佳教材和参考书。
2022-06-01 15:33:43 4.56MB Bruce Eckel
通过改进逻辑和实现 Itoh 的内联方法来删除 2*pi 跳转,而不是调用 unwrap,更新了代码以更快地运行。 允许边缘像素也被展开。 使逻辑与更新的 GoldsteinUnwrap2D_r1 代码更加平行。 更正了 PhaseDerivativeVariance_r1.m 中的一行。 Bruce Spottiswoode 提出的相位解缠法之后的相位质量路径。
2022-05-09 14:35:48 36KB matlab
作者: Bruce Eckel 获得多项大奖的《Java编程思想》《C++编程思想》及其他众多著作的作者。他在编程世界中耕耘了30余载——著书、讲座、举办研讨会和提供咨询。 Dianne Marsh 她从2008年以来一直在使用和研究Scala。自1987年开始从事编程工作起,熟知的语言从C到C#、从Python到Java,但她发现Scala出类拔萃且妙趣横生。
2021-11-24 10:27:09 3.54MB scala atomic Bruce Eckel
English | 2017 (2018 Edition) | 1288 Pages The Larson CALCULUS program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning.
2021-10-07 20:27:23 56.92MB Calculus Ron Larson Bruce