2022-07-11 10:42:58 6.22MB java编程思想
从本书获得的各项大奖以及来自世界各地的读者评论中,不难看出这是一本经典之作。本书的作者拥有多年教学经验,对C、C++以及Java语言都有独到、深入的见解,以通俗易懂及小而直接的示例解释了一个个晦涩抽象的概念。本书共22章,包括操作符、控制执行流程、访问权限控制、复用类、多态、接口、通过异常处理错误、字符串、泛型、数组、容器深入研究、Java I/O系统、枚举类型、并发以及图形化用户界面等内容。这些丰富的内容,包含了Java语言基础语法以及高级特性,适合各个层次的Java程序员阅读,同时也是高等院校讲授面向对象程序设计语言以及Java语言的绝佳教材和参考书。
2022-06-01 15:33:43 4.56MB Bruce Eckel
作者: Bruce Eckel 获得多项大奖的《Java编程思想》《C++编程思想》及其他众多著作的作者。他在编程世界中耕耘了30余载——著书、讲座、举办研讨会和提供咨询。 Dianne Marsh 她从2008年以来一直在使用和研究Scala。自1987年开始从事编程工作起,熟知的语言从C到C#、从Python到Java,但她发现Scala出类拔萃且妙趣横生。
2021-11-24 10:27:09 3.54MB scala atomic Bruce Eckel
I originally approached Java as “just another programming language,” which in many senses it is. But as time passed and I studied it more deeply, I began to see that the fundamental intent of this language was different from other languages I had seen up to that point. Programming is about managing complexity: the complexity of the problem you want to solve, laid upon the complexity of the machine in which it is solved. Because of this complexity, most of our programming projects fail. And yet, of all the programming languages of which I am aware, almost none have gone all out and decided that their main design goal would be to conquer the complexity of developing and maintaining programs.1 Of course, many language design decisions were made with complexity in mind, but at some point there were always other issues that were considered essential to be added into the mix. Inevitably, those other issues are what cause programmers to eventually “hit the wall” with that language. For example, C++ had to be backwards-compatible with C (to allow easy migration for C programmers), as well as efficient. Those are both very useful goals and account for much of the success of C++, but they also expose extra complexity that prevents some projects from being finished (certainly, you can blame programmers and management, but if a language can help by catching your mistakes, why shouldn’t it?). As another example, Visual BASIC (VB) was tied to BASIC, which wasn’t really designed to be an extensible language, so all the extensions piled upon VB have produced some truly unmaintainable syntax. Perl is backwards-compatible with awk, sed, grep, and other Unix tools it was meant to replace, and as a result it is often accused of producing “write-only code” (that is, after a while you can’t read it). On the other hand, C++, VB, Perl, and other languages like Smalltalk had some of their design efforts focused on the issue of complexity and as a result are remarkably successful in solving
2021-08-18 11:06:50 5.42MB java