This book is designed to introduce the reader to the theory of semisimple
Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, with
emphasis on representations. A good knowledge of linear algebra (including
eigenvalues, bilinear forms, euclidean spaces, and tensor products of vector
spaces) is presupposed, as well as some acquaintance with the methods of
abstract algebra. The first four chapters might well be read by a bright
undergraduate; however, the remaining three chapters are admittedly a little
more demanding.
Besides being useful in many parts of mathematics and physics, the
theory of semisimple Lie algebras is inherently attractive, combining as it
does a certain amount of depth and a satisfying degree of completeness in its
basic results. Since Jacobson's book appeared a decade ago, improvements
have been made even in the classical parts of the theory. I have tried to incor-
porate some of them here and to provide easier access to the subject for
non-specialists. For the specialist, the following features should be noted:
(1) The Jordan-Chevalley decomposition of linear transformations is
emphasized, with "toral" subalgebras replacing the more traditional Cartan
subalgebras in the semisimple case.
(2) The conjugacy theorem for cartan subalgebras is proved (following
D. J. Winter and G. D. Mostow) by elementary Lie algebra methods, avoiding
the use of algebraic geometry.
(3) The isomorphism theorem is proved first in an elementary way
(Theorem 14.2), but later obtained again as a corollary of Serre's Theorem
(18.3), which gives a presentation by generators and relations.
(4) From the outset, the simple algebras of types A, B, C, D are empha-
sized in the text and exercises.
(5) Root systems are treated axiomatically (Chapter III), along with
some of the theory of weights.
(6) A conceptual approach to Weyl's character formula, based on
Harish-chandra's theory of "characters" and independent of Freudenthal's
multiplicity formula (22.3), is presented in
23 and
24. This is inspired by
D.-N. Verma's thesis, and recent work of I. N. Bernstein, I. M. Gel'fand,
S. I. Gel'fand.
(7) The basic constructions in the theory of Chevalley groups are given
in Chapter VII, following lecture notes of R. Steinberg.
I have had to omit many standard topics (most of which I feel are better
suited to a second course), e.g., cohomology, theorems of Levi and Mal'cev,
theorems of Ado and Iwasawa, classification over non-algebraically closed
fields, Lie algebras in prime characteristic. I hope the reader will be stirn u-
lated to pursue these topics in the books and articles listed under References,
especially Jacobson [1], Bourbaki [1], [2], Winter [1], Seligman [1].