
上传者: ziyuewuneng | 上传时间: 2021-03-19 21:31:07 | 文件大小: 98.39MB | 文件类型: ZIP

File: Matlab or WAV formats (compressed)
sampling rate: 19.98 KHz
A/D: 16 bit
pre-filter: anti-aliasing filter
pre-emphasis: none
filter: none
duration: 235 sec
length (uncompressed): approx 9 Mb (uncompressed)

白噪声:White noise
White Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per Hz. bandwidth.

Volvo 340 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This recording was made at 120 km/h, in 4th gear, on an asphalt road, in rainy conditions.

军用车辆噪音:Military vehicle noise
Leopard 2 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Leopard 1 vehicle was moving at a speed of 70 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 114 dBA.

坦克内部噪声:Tank noise
M109 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The M109 tank was moving at a speed of 30 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 100 dBA.

餐厅内嘈杂噪声:speech babble
Voice Babble acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The source of this babble is 100 people speaking in a canteen. The room radius is over two meters; therefore, individual voices are slightly audible. The sound level during the recording process was 88 dBA.

高频信道噪声:HF channel noise
Recording of noise in an HF radio channel after demodulation

粉红噪声:pink noise
Pink Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per 1/3 octave.

机枪噪声:Machine gun noise
Machine Gun noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The weapon used was a .50 calibre gun fired repeatedly.

工厂车间噪音1:Factory floor noise 1
Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor



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