英文原版-Implementing Domain Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend 2nd Edition(解压密码share.weimo.info)

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Discover ways to implement a DSL with Xtext and Xtend utilizing easy-to-understand examples and finest practices Xtext is an open supply Eclipse framework for implementing domain-specific languages along with IDE functionalities. It permits you to implement languages actually rapidly; most of all, it covers all facets of an entire language infrastructure, together with the parser, code generator, interpreter, and extra.This ebook will allow you to implement Area Particular Languages (DSL) effectively, along with their IDE tooling, with Xtext and Xtend. Opening with temporary protection of Xtext options concerned in DSL implementation, together with integration in an IDE, the ebook will then introduce you to Xtend as this language can be utilized in all of the examples all through the ebook. You'll then discover the standard programming growth workflow with Xtext once we modify the grammar of the DSL.Additional, the Xtend programming language (a fully-featured Java-like language tightly built-in with Java) can be launched. We then clarify the principle ideas of Xtext, corresponding to validation, code era, and customizations of runtime and UI facets. You should have realized the best way to take a look at a DSL applied in Xtext with JUnit and can progress to superior ideas corresponding to sort checking and scoping. You'll then combine the standard Steady Integration techniques in-built to Xtext DSLs and familiarize your self with Xbase. By the tip of the ebook, you'll manually keep the EMF mannequin for an Xtext DSL and can see how an Xtext DSL may also be utilized in IntelliJ.What You Will Be taught,解压密码 share.weimo.info




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