Python For ArcGIS 数据

上传者: wangddbb | 上传时间: 2022-06-15 14:22:02 | 文件大小: 88.62MB | 文件类型: RAR
Python For ArcGI springer 2015 配套数据。 You’ve just begun a new job as a GIS specialist for the National Park Service. Your supervisor has asked you to analyze some wildlife data. She gives you a specifi c example to start with: One data table (Bird Species) contains a list of over 600 bird species known to be native to North Carolina. Another data table (Bird Inventory) contains over 5,000 records, each orresponding to a sighting of a par-ticular bird. Your task is to clean the data, reformat the fi le for GIS compatibility, and summarize the data by determining what percent of the native Bird Species appear in the inventory and map the results. Once you complete this, she would like you to repeat this process for historical datasets for the last 10 years of monthly records. After that, the next assignment will be to answer the same question based on monthly species inventory datasets for fi sh and invertebrates.Performing this process manually for one dataset could be time consuming and error prone. Performing this manually for numerous datasets is completely imprac-tical. Common GIS tasks such as this provide a strong motivation for learning how to automate work flows.



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