Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging(2nd).pdf 英文第二版

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Amazon价值1200美元的书,一共2178页,2015年出版的新书,本人已去除pdf中水印 大体看了下,此书是纯理论的书,书中没有代码 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1493907891?keywords=Handbook%20of%20Mathematical%20Methods%20in%20Imaging Hardcover: 2178 pages Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. 2015 edition (May 30, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1493907891 ISBN-13: 978-1493907892 The Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging provides a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical techniques used in imaging science. The material is grouped into two central themes, namely, Inverse Problems (Algorithmic Reconstruction) and Signal and Image Processing. Each section within the themes covers applications (modeling), mathematics, numerical methods (using a case example) and open questions. Written by experts in the area, the presentation is mathematically rigorous. This expanded and revised second edition contains updates to existing chapters and 16 additional entries on important mathematical methods such as graph cuts, morphology, discrete geometry, PDEs, conformal methods, to name a few. The entries are cross-referenced for easy navigation through connected topics. Available in both print and electronic forms, the handbook is enhanced by more than 200 illustrations and an extended bibliography. It will benefit students, scientists and researchers in applied mathematics. Engineers and computer scientists working in imaging will also find this handbook useful. 目录 Part I Inverse Problems – Methods Linear Inverse Problems Large-Scale Inverse Problems in Imaging Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems Distance Measures and Applications to Multimodal Variational Imaging Energy Minimization Methods Compressive Sensing Duality and Convex Programming EM Algorithms EM Algorithms from a Non-stochastic Perspective Iterative Solution Methods Level Set Methods for Structural Inversion and Image Reconstruction Part II Inverse Problems – Case Examples Expansion Methods Sampling Methods



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