Numerical.Recipes(C++)(3rd)(2007.Sep)(Cambridge.Press)带书签完美版 PDF网上到处都有,书签是我自己整的,大的PDF没有书签对我来说阅读起来是件很痛苦的事,所以宁愿花一整晚搞定书签然后再静下心来慢慢的看 整理需要花时间,最主要是我太穷,所以要卖点分,不好意思了
2022-01-13 12:34:22 7.58MB Numerical Recipes C++ Algorithm
Numerical Recipes in C Numerical Recipes in C
2022-01-13 03:16:15 5.79MB Numerical Recipes in C
OSQP的Python界面 Python包装器:运算符拆分QP解算器。 OSQP(算子拆分二次程序)求解器是一个数值优化程序包,用于解决以下形式的问题: minimize 0.5 x' P x + q' x subject to l <= A x <= u 其中x in R^n中的x in R^n是优化变量。 目标函数由P in S^n_+的正半定矩阵P in S^n_+和q in R^n向量q in R^n 。 线性约束由A in R^{mxn}的矩阵A in R^{mxn}和l in R^m U {-inf}^m向量l in R^m U {-inf}^m u in R^m U {+inf}^m 。 文献资料 该接口。 包装 该存储库执行测试并构建pypi轮子。 Conda软件包位于 forge上。
Fortran 基础入门, 应用于数值模拟 This course gives an introduction to programming in FORTRAN95, and is suitable for students who have only minimal programming experience. The focus will be on Fortran 95, but Fortran 77 will also be covered for those working with already-existing codes. A hands-on approach will be emphasized rather than abstract concepts. FORTRAN 95 is a modern programming language that is specifically designed for scientific and engineering applications. This course gives an introduction to programming in this language, and is suitable for students who have only minimal programming experience, for example with MATLAB scripts. The focus will be on Fortran 95, but Fortran 77 will also be covered for those working with already-existing codes. A hands-on approach will be emphasized rather than abstract concepts, using example scientific problems relevant to Earth science.
2021-12-31 16:21:56 14.46MB Fortran basi
2021-12-29 01:48:45 8.18MB 3rd Edition Numerical Recipes
This book is designed to support a one-semester course in numerical methods. It has been written for students who want to learn and apply numerical methods in order to solve problems in engineering and science. As such, the methods are motivated by problems rather than by mathematics. That said, sufficient theory is provided so that students come away with insight into the techniques and their shortcomings.
2021-12-27 19:32:34 17.05MB matlab
The solution to Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden
2021-12-22 10:00:40 12.82MB maths numerical analysis
This is a book for people interested in solving optimization problems. Because of the wide (and growing) use of optimization in science, engineering, economics, and industry, it is essential for students and practitioners alike to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms.
2021-12-17 19:08:07 4.69MB Numerical Optimization