Deep learning Book by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio
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Making security operational is the greatest challenge we face in applied computer engineering. All engineered systems have guiding requirements—measurable elements such that, to the de- gree they are not delivered, the system may fail. Above all, buildings must be safe. (They can’t fall over!) But that is not enough. They must be usable (they have to be architected such that the space in- side is capable of being used), they must be able to be manufactured and maintained (the cost of con- struction and upkeep must allow the job to be profitable), and really, they should be attractive (the appearance of a building relates to the status of its inhabitants, and thus the value of the property). Each requirement has its own prioritization, but they all have seats at the table.
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资料简介: HFSS_Full Book的全22个模型_【作者自己亲自调试的工程文件】,微波仿真软件,很好的入门资料 格式: RAR PDF 其他: *资源分1分,如果评论资源的话,会返还2分,欢迎评论。我这样设置的原因是:希望您下载资源之后,能够评论一下,也好让我知道上传资源的情况。 *大家的评论,我都会一个一个看的,也正是因为评论里面的支持,让我花费时间来上传一些自己的资料。只是平时不常登录,大家的问题也就不能及时回复,也就算了。 *相信一句话:山水有相逢!
2022-08-07 20:12:01 175KB HFSS
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