sap erp fi模块中常用凭证类型介绍,以及记账码号码范围设置的一些例子。
2021-12-19 12:32:17 666KB sap document type
Kotlinx浏览器 Kotlin浏览器API
2021-12-17 15:54:27 190KB kotlin browser document-object-model kotlinx
GemBox.Document works in two different modes: Free mode - free of charge, limited to 20 paragraphs. ComponentInfo. SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); Professional mode - requires purchasing a license key, no limitations. ComponentInfo. SetLicense("XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"); if you like it .please purchase it and support the developer.
2021-12-17 14:53:20 196B GemBox Document Key
本资源为GCC for ARM手册,详细介绍了gcc开发ARM程序的用法
2021-12-16 15:45:02 2.99MB gcc arm document gnu
Python文档检测器 python中的简单文档检测器。 环境设定 运行以下命令以安装必要的软件包。 pip install -r requirements.txt 测试运行 python3 -i 'input/receipt.jpg'
2021-12-14 13:21:05 5.54MB Python
docker 搭建机器学习环境
2021-12-07 09:01:11 1.62MB docker 机器学习
Multilayer neural networks trained with the back-propagation algorithm constitute the best example of a successful gradientbased learning technique. Given an appropriate network architecture, gradient-based learning algorithms can be used to synthesize a complex decision surface that can classify high-dimensional patterns, such as handwritten characters, with minimal preprocessing. This paper reviews various methods applied to handwritten character recognition and compares them on a standard handwritten digit recognition task. Convolutional neural networks, which are specifically designed to deal with the variability of two dimensional (2-D) shapes, are shown to outperform all other techniques. Real-life document recognition systems are composed of multiple modules including field extraction, segmentation, recognition, and language modeling. A new learning paradigm, called graph transformer networks (GTN’s), allows such multimodule systems to be trained globally using gradient-based methods so as to minimize an overall performance measure. Two systems for online handwriting recognition are described. Experiments demonstrate the advantage of global training, and the flexibility of graph transformer networks. A graph transformer network for reading a bank check is also described. It uses convolutional neural network character recognizers combined with global training techniques to provide record accuracy on business and personal checks. It is deployed commercially and reads several million checks per day.
2021-12-03 23:30:35 889KB 卷积神经网络
乳胶作用 用法 这个GitHub Action运行latexmk可以将LaTeX文件转换为PDF。 参数:格式 指示输出格式。 该参数是可选的。 默认情况下它将是pdf 参数:文件名 表示要处理的LaTeX文件名。 该参数是可选的。 默认情况下它将是main.yml 例 --- name : CI on : [push] jobs : build-test : runs-on : ubuntu-latest steps : - uses : actions/checkout@v2 - name : Generate PDF document uses : hspaans/latexmk-action@v1.0.8 with : format : pdf filename
2021-11-27 10:24:01 5KB pdf latex document github-action
2021-11-18 18:03:06 225KB FSD 功能规格说明文档 软件开发
数学笔记 LaTeX为我在剑桥的数学课程中的笔记提供了资料。 要查看已编译的PDF,请单击。 请注意,这些并不是课程本身的详尽描述-请观看所有讲座! 这仅仅是在一个地方整理许多课程信息的方法。 建筑 将LaTeX Workshop扩展用于Visual Studio Code可能是建立此项目的最简单方法。 贡献 要对项目做出贡献(例如进行更正或添加说明),请分叉存储库,然后提交拉取请求。 任何捐款都必须在与项目本身相同的许可下进行。
2021-11-18 15:08:07 430KB notes latex-document maths TeX