根据全球疫情实时数据而进行可视化操作,调用腾讯api实现了对疫情数据的实时监控,通过pyecharts创建的世界地图让大家一眼就直观的看出来每个国家疫情状况的严重程度;再通过“玫瑰图”让人们了解全球所有国家中,死亡人数>4000的国家是哪些,并根据每个国家的模块的大小和颜色的不同,实现对数据的理解; 最后通过雷达图,来比较上述国家中死亡人数与治愈人数,雷达图能很好的将二者的大小关系表现出来,实现对数据的对比运用。
2022-05-06 10:36:55 7KB pyecharts Map Radar Pie
2022-05-05 22:25:59 2.07MB 深度学习 雷达
FMCW Signals for Radar Imaging and Channel Sounding.pdf,这是一份不错的文
2022-04-29 13:01:03 4.81MB 文档资料 文档
Fundamental Aspects of Netted Radar Performance.pdf,这是一份不错的文档
2022-04-29 13:01:02 10.92MB 文档
Open Radar Datasets.zip,这是一份不错的文件
2022-04-29 13:00:45 1.21MB 源码软件 文档
Numerous books have been written on Radar Systems and Radar Applications. A limited set of these books provides companion software. There is need for a comprehensive reference book that can provide the reader with hands-on-like experience. The ideal radar book, in my opinion, should serve as a conclusive, detailed, and useful reference for working engineers as well as a textbook for students learning radar systems analysis and design. This book must assume few prerequisites and must stand on its own as a complete presentation of the subject. Examples and exercise problems must be included. User friendly software that demonstrates the theory needs to be included. This software should be reconfigurable to allow different users to vary the inputs in order to better analyze their relevant and unique requirements, and enhance understanding of the subject.
2022-04-15 16:56:11 6.07MB Radar
ofdm与ocdm雷达通信一体化模糊函数比较(Integrated radar and communication OFDM s
2022-04-13 17:03:04 2KB Mtalab
2022-04-11 15:18:26 1KB radar cfarradar CFAR 雷达信号处理
雷达波形设计matlab代码雷达生成检测 在MATLAB中实现RADAR目标生成和检测 雷达项目 1.FMCW波形设计 R = 110 ; % initial distance of the target v = - 20 ; % speed of the target fc = 77e9 ; % Frequency of operation R_max = 200 ; % Max Range resolution = 1 ; % Range Resolution c = 3e8 ; % Speed of Light v_max = 100 ; % Max Velocity %% FMCW Waveform Generation % Design the FMCW waveform by giving the specs of each of its parameters. % Calculate the Bandwidth (B), Chirp Time (Tchirp) and slope (slope) of the FMCW % chirp using the requirem
2022-04-04 19:14:24 512KB 系统开源
MIMO Radar Signal Processing
2022-04-04 17:47:39 8.49MB MIMO Radar Signal Processing