针对云模型理论的研究现状以及传统的 PID控制器存在的控制参数适应性差、处理复杂非线性问题手段单一等缺陷,本文首先对二自由的机械臂进行了运动学和动力学分析,给出了机械臂数学模型;然后在考虑实际操作中机械臂存在的死区、未知负载等非线性因素的前提下,设计出了一维云模型控制器;最后在 Matlab的仿真平台下对所建立的模型进行仿真,得到高精度的关节位置、位置误差等状态变量的轨迹跟踪曲线。实验结果表明此控制器对参数变化具有很强的适应性,解决了传统的 PID控制存在的问题,使机械臂能够快速、精确地沿着目标轨迹运行。
2021-11-26 09:02:05 4KB LQR 轨迹跟踪
利用backstepping算法设计的移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制器matlab源代码 利用backstepping算法设计的移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制器matlab源代码
2021-11-24 14:28:38 4KB 机器人
为了提高智能车的控制精度,以碰撞中心为参考点建立前馈-反馈控制模型, 并用该控制模型求解LQR问题,获得状态反馈控制率,实现最优控制。在双移线工况和8字形工况下,使用Matlab/Simulink和Carsim对LQR轨迹跟踪控制器进行联合仿真。
2021-11-14 14:20:27 1.45MB 汽车 自动驾驶
使用开源架构freeglut实现的c++的openGL且水果 可以跟踪鼠标路径并且绘制炫酷轨迹
2021-11-10 21:42:22 6.4MB openGL C++ 切水果 鼠标轨迹跟踪
2021-11-09 11:25:36 1.21MB 工程技术 论文
提出一种全局非奇异终端滑模控制器, 可用于带有参数不确定和外部扰动的二阶非线性系统。 证明了系统从任意初始状态到达滑模的时间和在滑模上到达平衡点的时间均为有限, 分析了终端滑模 控制用于不确定性系统的跟踪精度, 推导了系统跟踪精度和用于消除抖振的饱和函数宽度之间的数学 关系。根据给定的跟踪精度, 可设计出合适的饱和函数。仿真结果证明了所提出方法的有效性。
智能驾驶相关 轨迹跟踪 模型预测 Abstract—Path tracking issues of autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs) have attracted more attention in recent years with the intelligent and electrified development of vehicles. In order to make AGVs path tracking problem more flexible, regional path tracking problem is discussed in this manuscript based on model predictive control (MPC) method, where the front wheel steering angle is regarded as the control variable. The feasible region for AGVs running is determined first according to the detected road boundaries. In the following, AGVs running in this region is considered using kinematic model. Then, in order to make the actual trajectory of AGVs keep in the region and satisfy the safety requirements, MPC method is employed to design path tracking controller considering the vehicle dynamics, the actuator and state constraints. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, simulations under various test conditions are carried out using a high fidelity vehicle simulator veDYNA, where the Hongqi vehicle HQ430 parameters are matched. The results obtained from the simulation illustrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good performance in dealing with the regional path tracking problem.
2021-10-09 19:21:11 848KB 智能驾驶 轨迹跟踪
2021-10-07 06:11:51 1KB kalman