Algorithms are the heart and soul of computer science. Their applications range from network routing and computational genomics to public-key cryptography and machine learning. Studying algorithms can make you a better programmer, a clearer thinker, and a master of technical interviews. Algorithms Illuminated is an accessible introduction to the subject for anyone with at least a little programming experience. The exposition emphasizes the big picture and conceptual understanding over low-level implementation and mathematical details—like a transcript of what an expert algorithms tutor would say over a series of one-on-one lessons. The book includes solutions to all quizzes and selected problems, and a series of YouTube videos by the author accompanies the book. Part 2 of this book series covers graph search and its applications, shortest-path algorithms, and the applications and implementation of several data structures: heaps, search trees, hash tables, and bloom filters.
2020-01-03 11:35:59 7.93MB Algorithms
快速入门机器人学需掌握的工具书。运动规划。WE FIRST and foremost want to thank our students, who were incredibly supportive of us when writing this book. We would like to thank the members of the Biorobotics/ Sensor Based Planning Lab at Carnegie Mellon, especially Ji Yeong Lee; the Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems at Northwestern; the robotics group in the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; the Physical and Biological Computing Group at Rice, especially Andrew Ladd and Erion Plaku; the Lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems at the University of Freiburg, especially Dirk Hähnel and Cyrill Stachniss; and the Stanford and Carnegie Mellon Learning Labs, for their contributions and efforts for this book.
2020-01-03 11:34:36 31.51MB Robot Motion Algorithms
关于去除图像运动模糊的第一本系统全面的书籍,矢量pdf, 非扫描版
2020-01-03 11:28:53 13.41MB 图像运动模糊
介绍Facility Location相关算法的综述性的经典文献,推荐研究P-Median和P-Center的同僚们阅读。
2020-01-03 11:28:14 6.25MB P-Median Location Allocation Algorithm
Shimon Even's Graph Algorithms, published in 1979, was a seminal introductory book on algorithms read by everyone engaged in the field. This thoroughly revised second edition, with a foreword by Richard M. Karp and notes by Andrew V. Goldberg, continues the exceptional presentation from the first edition and explains algorithms in a formal but simple language with a direct and intuitive presentation. The book begins by covering basic material, including graphs and shortest paths, trees, depth-first-search and breadth-first search. The main part of the book is devoted to network flows and applications of network flows, and it ends with chapters on planar graphs and testing graph planarity.
2020-01-03 11:20:48 1.47MB 算法
这是一本关于ENVI IDL软件很好的国外培训教材,可供遥感图像处理的学着使用!
2020-01-03 11:18:10 2.24MB Remote Sensing Algorithms
2019-12-30 03:10:28 17.18MB Computer Animation Algorithms
算法引论 英文版 对我来说,以前学算法只囫囵吞枣地记了结论,工作了看编程珠玑,发现了思考的乐趣,现在看这本书,讲解算法设计思路,觉得很好。 伪代码不重要,用什么语言实现没关系,记住思路才是最主要的。所以,如果选一本书学算法的话,我会选这本。太厚的不要。 另外,堆排序那一节,说从底到顶比从顶到底快,我想了想,觉得时间一样。
2019-12-25 11:13:54 16.26MB 数据结构
Approximation Algorithms.pdf,Vijay V. Vazirani auth, Spring 出版社的近似算法经典教材
2019-12-23 03:06:08 15.06MB 算法
Design and implement professional level programs by exploring modern data structures and algorithms in Rust. Rust has come a long way and is now utilized in several contexts. Its key strengths are its software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications, including desktop applications, servers, and performance-critical applications, not forgetting its importance in systems’ programming. This book will be your guide as it takes you through implementing classic data structures and algorithms in Rust, helping you to get up and running as a confident Rust programmer. The book begins with an introduction to Rust data structures and algorithms, while also covering essential language constructs. You will learn how to store data using linked lists, arrays, stacks, and queues. You will also learn how to implement sorting and searching algorithms. You will learn how to attain high performance by implementing algorithms to string data types and implement hash structures in algorithm design. The book will examine algorithm analysis, including Brute Force algorithms, Greedy algorithms, Divide and Conquer algorithms, Dynamic Programming, and Backtracking. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to build components that are easy to understand, debug, and use in different applications. What you will learn Design and implement complex data structures in Rust Analyze, implement, and improve searching and sorting algorithms in Rust Create and use well-tested and reusable components with Rust Understand the basics of multithreaded programming and advanced algorithm design Become familiar with application profiling based on benchmarking and testing Explore the borrowing complexity of implementing algorithms
2019-12-21 22:24:36 6.71MB rust