The C Programming Language是C语言的经典书籍,程序员必备的学习、参考资料,这里把第二版的中文、英文原版和习题答案、高清电子版一起打包。
2022-01-04 15:20:21 13.32MB C语言
2022-01-04 14:58:10 48.43MB CUDA
CUDA programming: a developer's guide to parallel computing with GPUs. by Shane Cook. Over the past five years there has been a revolution in computing brought about by a company that for successive years has emerged as one of the premier gaming hardware manufacturersdNVIDIA. With the introduction of the CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) programming language, for the first time these hugely powerful graphics coprocessors could be used by everyday C programmers to offload computationally expensive work. From the embedded device industry, to home users, to supercomputers, everything has changed as a result of this. One of the major changes in the computer software industry has been the move from serial programming to parallel programming. Here, CUDA has produced great advances. The graphics processor unit (GPU) by its very nature is designed for high-speed graphics, which are inherently parallel. CUDA takes a simple model of data parallelism and incorporates it into a programming model without the need for graphics primitives. In fact, CUDA, unlike its predecessors, does not require any understanding or knowledge of graphics or graphics primitives. You do not have to be a games programmer either. The CUDA language makes the GPU look just like another programmable device. Throughout this book I will assume readers have no prior knowledge of CUDA, or of parallel programming. I assume they have only an existing knowledge of the C/C++ programming language. As we progress and you become more competent with CUDA, we’ll cover more advanced topics, taking you from a parallel unaware programmer to one who can exploit the full potential of CUDA. For programmers already familiar with parallel programming concepts and CUDA, we’ll be discussing in detail the architecture of the GPUs and how to get the most from each, including the latest Fermi and Kepler hardware. Literally anyone who can program in C or C++ can program with CUDA in a few hours given a little training. Getting from novice CUDA programmer, with a several times speedup to 10 times–plus speedup is what you should be capable of by the end of this book. The book is very much aimed at learning CUDA, but with a focus on performance, having first achieved correctness. Your level of skill and understanding of writing high-performance code, especially for GPUs, will hugely benefit from this text. This book is a practical guide to using CUDA in real applications, by real practitioners. At the same time, however, we cover the necessary theory and background so everyone, no matter what their background, can follow along and learn how to program in CUDA, making this book ideal for both professionals and those studying GPUs or parallel programming.
2022-01-04 14:52:07 16.75MB CUDA
功能轻JavaScript 本书对JavaScript中的FP进行了平衡,实用的介绍。 第一版现已完成。 免费在线阅读,或: “功能轻型JavaScript”探讨了将功能性编程(FP)应用于JavaScript的核心原理。 但是使本书与众不同的是,我们在不沉迷所有繁琐术语的情况下采用了这些原理。 我们研究了FP基础概念的一个子集,我将其称为“功能轻编程”(FLP),并将其应用于JavaScript。 注意:尽管标题中有“ Light”一词,但我不认为或推荐该书作为该主题的“入门”,“ easy”或“ intro”书。 这本书严谨而充满细节。 在进入之前,它希望有扎实的JS知识基础。 与其他FP-JavaScript书籍相比,本书没有深入介绍,而是深入探讨了每个主题。 让我们面对现实:除非您已经是FP酷儿童俱乐部的会员(我不是!),否则这样的说法:“一个monad只是endofunctors类别中的一个monoid”,这并不意味着任何有用的东西给我们。 这并不是说这些术语意义不大或FPrs不适合使用它们。 从Functional-Light毕业后,您可能/希望希望能更正式地学习
2022-01-04 13:07:21 5.69MB javascript education functional-programming book
Justin Seitz-Black Hat Python_ Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters-No Starch Press (2014).MOBI
2022-01-04 09:45:01 1.59MB PYTHON
This comprehensive handbook of mathematical and programming techniques for audio signal processing will be an essential reference for all computer musicians, computer scientists, engineers, and anyone interested in audio. Designed to be used by readers with varying levels of programming expertise, it not only provides the foundations for music and audio development but also tackles issues that sometimes remain mysterious even to experienced software designers. Exercises and copious examples (all cross-platform and based on free or open source software) make the book ideal for classroom use. Fifteen chapters and eight appendixes cover such topics as programming basics for C and C++ (with music-oriented examples), audio programming basics and more advanced topics, spectral audio programming; programming Csound opcodes, and algorithmic synthesis and music programming. Appendixes cover topics in compiling, audio and MIDI, computing, and math. An accompanying DVD provides an additional 40 chapters, covering musical and audio programs with micro-controllers, alternate MIDI controllers, video controllers, developing Apple Audio Unit plug-ins from Csound opcodes, and audio programming for the iPhone.
2022-01-03 09:54:44 15.51MB Audio Programming C
2022-01-02 23:56:46 5.26MB Shell Programming Unix Linux
PySDMs Python中的生态物种分布模型(SDM)的面向对象的类。 建模指标 物种分布的地理分类 包装布局 库代码本身 许可证,适用于此软件包您现在正在阅读的README文件 -先决条件安装该软件包,通过使用PIP 安装程序脚本 /-单元测试 较长的说明: 物种分布建模(SDM)的面向对象的类。 PySDM在SDM框架的建模部分完成了大部分繁重的工作,其中的插值功能主要将地理分类步骤包装在面向对象的方式中。 省略了SDM工作流程的预处理步骤,主要是因为它们在R中更容易执行(请参阅examples /中Jupyter笔记本末尾的围兜链接)。 PySDM是为我的约书亚树和沙漠夜蜥蜴的气候变化影响研究项目而开发的。 职能使用PyCaret进行模型训练,考虑基于树的方法,神经网络和最佳子集选择软投票混合。 需要一个具有分类目标和数字说
The C++ Programming Language 中文英版 C++必备经典书籍
2022-01-02 13:57:45 25.62MB The C++ Programming Language
在大中华区,我相信此书网上仅此一本.由本人制作 .我在很多论坛上看到类似的主题:求书:Programming with POSIX Threads?而很多人的经历是找了很久没找到.我也是如此.显然,这是一本相当重要的书,当你在学习UNIX/LINUX下的多线程编程的时候.我把在国外网站找到的这本书打做成PDF格式.希望对大家有帮助.文件太大,分成了四部分,请下载完整.多线程编程 UNIX LINUX Programming with POSIX Threads
2022-01-02 13:24:23 4.29MB LINUX Programming UNIX with