2021-09-03 12:52:27 3.79MB Batch File
Windows API开发(C语言)经典教程。本PDF版内容源自CHM版,达1386页。在制作过程中对字体大小和版面作了少许改动,以适合在电脑上阅读。当初制作PDF版纯属个人喜好,现共享给需要的朋友。(资源中包含CHM中文、英文版及源代码)
2021-09-03 07:37:04 13.9MB Windows API C 中文
the C programming language (中文版+英文版+习题答案) 就是这样。 嘿嘿,真的不错哦,亲~~ @@人品保证!!~
2021-09-02 22:54:36 3.57MB the C programminglanguage 中文版
The C Programming Language 中文版(第2版.新版)
2021-09-02 22:37:57 8.36MB c语言
这个是RDA5807SP 的编程指南,就是在RDA5807SP datasheet中提到的RDA5807SP Programming Guide,在pudn才找到的,里面有程序,原作者是 http://s.pudn.com/upload_log.asp?e=3123489。
2021-09-02 22:24:34 713KB RDA5807SP 编程指南
脆性材料断裂和疲劳的相场建模 这是一个面向对象的开源Python项目,旨在通过相场法模拟脆性材料的断裂和疲劳。 子目录的结构 ./src 所有源文件都包含在此文件夹中 。/例子基准问题 ./mesh-files 用于基准测试问题的gmsh文件 操作说明 要运行任何基准测试问题,请将相关的“ Main.py”和“ input.in”放置在包含上述子目录的根目录中。 输入文件的结构 相场分析的输入文件的结构如下: 基准示例 狗骨标本的拉伸试验
2021-09-02 16:51:27 274KB v50
Fortran 2008 pdf
2021-09-02 10:53:57 2.36MB fortran
Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on integration that is supported by a central focus on programming language design., The book provides readers with a solid foundation for understanding the most important issues driving software development today, and this l atest edition is complete with new material and numerous updates, including added content on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, and new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures., Provides new material on interpretation, including expanded coverage of OCaml, Contains new material on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, New chapters are devoted to type systems and composite types, Includes updated and re-worked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, Presents new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures
2021-09-02 06:13:49 5.66MB 软件工程
通过JTAG接口对飞思卡尔 freescale MPC56XX / ST SPC56XX进行烧写DFLASH 和PFLASH
2021-09-01 20:42:32 1.08MB MPC56xx Flash Programming JTAG