Coursera Machine Learning 第七周week7ex6Support Vector Machines编程全套满分题目+注释选做
2021-08-30 11:41:00 439KB libsvm
Will your next doctor be a human being―or a machine? Will you have a choice? If you do, what should you know before making it? This book introduces the reader to the pitfalls and promises of artificial intelligence (AI) in its modern incarnation and the growing trend of systems to “reach off the Web” into the real world. The convergence of AI, social networking, and modern computing is creating an historic inflection point in the partnership between human beings and machines with potentially profound impacts on the future not only of computing but of our world and species. AI experts and researchers James Hendler―co-originator of the Semantic Web (Web 3.0)―and Alice Mulvehill―developer of AI-based operational systems for DARPA, the Air Force, and NASA―explore the social implications of AI systems in the context of a close examination of the technologies that make them possible. The authors critically evaluate the utopian claims and dystopian counterclaims of AI prognosticators. Social Machines: The Coming Collision of Artificial Intelligence, Social Networking, and Humanity is your richly illustrated field guide to the future of your machine-mediated relationships with other human beings and with increasingly intelligent machines. What Readers Will Learn What the concept of a social machine is and how the activities of non-programmers are contributing to machine intelligence How modern artificial intelligence technologies, such as Watson, are evolving and how they process knowledge from both carefully produced information (such as Wikipedia and journal articles) and from big data collections The fundamentals of neuromorphic computing, knowledge graph search, and linked data, as well as the basic technology concepts that underlie networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter How the change in attitudes towards cooperative work on the Web, especially in the younger demographic, is critical to the future of Web applications
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这是Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots Springer带书签电子版,带书签看起来方便。
2021-07-19 14:02:53 13.13MB trajectory planning automatic machines
2021-07-07 17:40:02 1.33MB support vector machines kmeans
Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Machines.pdf
2021-06-30 20:54:03 14.79MB Finite Element Analysis
2021-06-20 15:40:02 1.31MB matlab support-vector-machines MATLABMATLAB
Moral Machines_Teaching Robots Right from Wrong.pdf
2021-06-12 14:00:09 1.03MB pdf
This paper describes a new control algorithm which can enhance the dynamics of a sensorless control system and gives a precise sensorless control performance. Instead of the conventional sinusoidal-type voltage injection, a square-wave-type voltage injection incorporated with the associated signal processing method is proposed in this paper. As a result, the error signal can be calculated without low-pass filters and time delays, and the position estimation performance can be enhanced. Using the proposed method, the performance of the sensorless control can be enhanced; the bandwidth of the current controller was enhanced up to 250 Hz, and that of the speed controller was up to 50 Hz.
2021-06-03 20:24:33 1.83MB 高频注入 电机控制