维基SQL 一个庞大的众包数据集,用于为关系数据库开发自然语言界面。 WikiSQL是与我们的工作《 一起发布的数据集。 引文 如果您使用WikiSQL,请引用以下内容: 钟国,、熊才明和理查德·索赫。 2017年。Seq2SQL:使用强化学习从自然语言生成结构化查询。 @article{zhongSeq2SQL2017, author = {Victor Zhong and Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher}, title = {Seq2SQL: Generating St
The Research of Java Language.pdf
2021-07-02 22:02:49 123KB Java 开发技术 论文期刊 专业指导
Magento 语言环境重定向 Magento 扩展,用于根据客户端的 Accept Language 标头将用户重定向到商店。 如果商店不支持浏览器列表中的任何语言 - 显示默认商店语言。 版本:1.0.0 要求 PHP >= 5.2.0 兼容性 Magento >= 1.4 安装说明 下载 将文件夹“app”复制到 Magento 安装的根目录中。 莫德曼 安装 modman 模块管理器: ://github.com/colinmollenhour/modman 在您的系统上安装 modman 后,您可以通过键入以下命令将这个模块克隆到您的 Magento 基本目录中: $ modman init $ modman clone git@github.com:belvg-public/magento_locale_redirect.git 作曲家 安装作曲家: : 安装
2021-07-02 15:04:04 7KB PHP
2021-07-01 20:34:25 45KB Atom
spaCy 用户手册,spaCy是我的自然语言处理(NLP)任务的必备库
2021-07-01 18:02:43 1.05MB spacy 用户手册
本标准定义了e功能验证语言。本标准的目的是作为一个权威的 (a)电子语言结构的语法和语义 (b)电子语言与标准仿真语言的相互作用 (b) e语言与标准仿真语言的互动 (c) e语言库。本标准服务于使用e语言进行电子设计功能验证的社区。它提供了一个独立于实施的电子语言的定义,并促进了基于电子语言的设计自动化工具的发展。
2021-06-28 09:05:16 5.9MB ieee 1647 功能验证 语言
作者: Jeremy Kepner / John Gilbert 出版社: Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 出版年: 2011-7-14 页数: 389 定价: USD 110.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780898719901 Graphs are among the most important abstract data types in computer science, and the algorithms that operate on them are critical to modern life. Graphs have been shown to be powerful tools for modeling complex problems because of their simplicity and generality. Graph algorithms are one of the pillars of mathematics, informing research in such diverse areas as combinatorial optimization, complexity theory, and topology. Algorithms on graphs are applied in many ways in today s world - from Web rankings to metabolic networks, from finite element meshes to semantic graphs. The current exponential growth in graph data has forced a shift to parallel computing for executing graph algorithms. Implementing parallel graph algorithms and achieving good parallel performance have proven difficult. This book addresses these challenges by exploiting the well-known duality between a canonical representation of graphs as abstract collections of vertices and edges and a sparse adjacency matrix representation. This linear algebraic approach is widely accessible to scientists and engineers who may not be formally trained in computer science. The authors show how to leverage existing parallel matrix computation techniques and the large amount of software infrastructure that exists for these computations to implement efficient and scalable parallel graph algorithms. The benefits of this approach are reduced algorithmic complexity, ease of implementation, and improved performance. Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra is the first book to cover graph algorithms accessible to engineers and scientists not trained in computer science but having a strong linear algebra background, enabling them to quickly understand and apply graph algorithms. It also covers array-based graph algorithms, showing readers how to express canon
2021-06-27 17:38:10 3.93MB 图论,算法
2021-06-26 12:10:39 5.91MB Assembly
IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming 第五版 英文原版 高清扫描版
2021-06-26 11:52:09 13.67MB IBM PC Assembly Language
Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow-Packt Publishing (2018).pdf 高清带目录
2021-06-25 10:08:30 8.08MB NLP tensorflow