Wiley2010新书-Igneous Rocks and Processes高清非扫描
2021-10-18 12:19:12 29.97MB Wiley 2010 新书Igneous 高清
Chong, Zak - An Introduction To Optimization (Wiley, 2001), 2nd Ed
2021-09-28 11:43:10 13.58MB Introduction Optimization 2nd Chong
FACTS.Modelling.and.Simulation.in.Power.Networks.John.Wiley.and.Sons 柔性AC输电的建模与仿真.
2021-09-27 22:05:56 4.8MB FACTS Modelling Simulation Power
一本好书! John.Wiley.and.Sons. Essentials.of.Error.Control.Coding.Sep.2006
2021-09-25 19:19:21 2.49MB John.Wiley.and.Sons.
2021-09-22 19:15:55 7KB CDMA
This book introduces the Process for Attack Simulation & Threat Analysis (PASTA) threat modeling methodology. It provides an introduction to various types of application threat modeling and introduces a risk-centric methodology aimed at applying security countermeasures that are commensurate to the possible impact that could be sustained from defined threat models, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and attack patterns. Risk Centric Threat Modeling: Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis is a resource for software developers, architects, technical risk managers, and seasoned security professionals.
2021-09-21 12:08:23 7.7MB Risk Centric Threat Modeling
Winner of the 2006 Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award! A comprehensive treatment of the principles, mathematics, and statistics of image science In today's visually oriented society, images play an important role in conveying messages. From seismic imaging to satellite images to medical images, our modern society would be lost without images to enhance our understanding of our health, our culture, and our world. Foundations of Image Science presents a comprehensive treatment of the principles, mathematics, and statistics needed to understand and evaluate imaging systems. The book is the first to provide a thorough treatment of the continuous-to-discrete, or CD, model of digital imaging.
2021-09-14 12:39:48 34.57MB Image Science
Attached is Wiley's smart sheet for CFA Level 1 Exam in 2018. Good reference for 2019 test too
2021-08-29 16:49:12 1.73MB CFA CFA Level 1
Wiley-Applied Data Mining Statistical Methods For Business And Industry.pdf
2021-08-28 10:45:25 5.56MB Data Mining Statistical Business