2019年MICCAI会议论文集 part-1 包括Computer-Aided Diagnosis等
2019-12-21 21:57:37 109.18MB MICCA
MICCAI2019-医学图像处理顶级会议论文集第5部分 Part-V.pdf
2019-12-21 21:57:37 137.62MB MICCAI
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the second edition of the 2017 European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications (MLICOM). This conference brought together researchers, developers, and practitioners from around the world who are leveraging and developing machine learning and intelligent communications. The technical program of MLICOM 2017 consisted of 141 full papers in oral presentation sessions at the main conference tracks. The conference tracks were: Main Track, Machine Learning; Track 1, Intelligent Positioning and Navigation; Track 2, Intelligent Multimedia Processing and Security; Track 3, Intelligent Wireless Mobile Network and Security; Track 4, Cognitive Radio and Intelligent Networking; Track 5, Intelligent Internet of Things; Track 6, Intelligent Satellite Communications and Networking; Track 7, Intelligent Remote Sensing, Visual Computing and Three-Dimensional Modeling; Track 8, Green Communication and Intelligent Networking; Track 9, Intelligent Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks; Track 10, Intelligent Resource Allocation in Wireless and Cloud Networks; Track 11, Intelligent Signal Processing in Wireless and Optical Communications; Track 12, Intelligent Radar Signal Processing; Track 13, Intelligent Cooperative Communications and Networking. Aside from the high-quality technical paper presentations, the technical program also featured three keynote speeches. The three keynote speeches were by Prof. Haijun Zhang from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, Prof. Yong Wang from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, and Mr. Lifan Liu from National Instruments China. Coordination with the steering chairs, Imrich Chlamtac, Xuemai Gu, and Gongliang Liu, was essential for the success of the conference. We sincerely appreciate their constant support and guidance. It was also a great pleasure to work with such an excellent Organizing Committee who worked hard to organize
2019-12-21 21:54:28 13.64MB Machine Learning ML
Learning a Deep Network with Spherical Part Model for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
2019-12-21 21:51:32 1.24MB deep learnin
Management of Information Security By 作者: Michael E. Whitman – Herbert J. Mattord ISBN-10 书号: 133740571X ISBN-13 书号: 9781337405713 Edition 版本: 6 出版日期: 2018-05-03 pages 页数: (672 ) $199.95 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY, Sixth Edition prepares you to become an information security management practitioner able to secure systems and networks in a world where continuously emerging threats, ever-present attacks and the success of criminals illustrate the weaknesses in current information technologies. You’ll develop both the information security skills and practical experience that organizations are looking for as they strive to ensure more secure computing environments. The text focuses on key executive and managerial aspects of information security. It also integrates coverage of CISSP and CISM throughout to effectively prepare you for certification. Reflecting the most recent developments in the field, it includes the latest information on NIST, ISO and security governance as well as emerging concerns like Ransomware, Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things.
2019-12-21 21:49:52 225MB NETWORK
Management of Information Security By 作者: Michael E. Whitman – Herbert J. Mattord ISBN-10 书号: 133740571X ISBN-13 书号: 9781337405713 Edition 版本: 6 出版日期: 2018-05-03 pages 页数: (672 ) $199.95 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY, Sixth Edition prepares you to become an information security management practitioner able to secure systems and networks in a world where continuously emerging threats, ever-present attacks and the success of criminals illustrate the weaknesses in current information technologies. You’ll develop both the information security skills and practical experience that organizations are looking for as they strive to ensure more secure computing environments. The text focuses on key executive and managerial aspects of information security. It also integrates coverage of CISSP and CISM throughout to effectively prepare you for certification. Reflecting the most recent developments in the field, it includes the latest information on NIST, ISO and security governance as well as emerging concerns like Ransomware, Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things.
2019-12-21 21:49:52 67.36MB NETWORK
2019-12-21 21:47:31 1.58MB FRM Quicksheet 公式表
Computer Vision ACCV 2018 Part II, 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Perth, Australia, December 2–6, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
2019-12-21 21:38:19 126.19MB 计算机视觉 ACCV
大牛Davide Scaramuzza的两篇文章Visual Odometry: Part I[1],Visual Odometry: Part II,值得我们学习。这是完整两篇:Visual Odometry: Part I[1][2]
2019-12-21 21:33:55 1.78MB Visual Odometry,VO
Harry L. Van Trees著,最优阵列信号处理英文版 ISBN 0-471-22110-4
2019-12-21 21:24:29 87.17MB Optimum Array Processing 最优