2021-06-17 19:42:01 13.55MB 3D模型
2021-06-17 12:07:42 2.36MB 3D车模
解压后把相应的文件放到Maya和MAX的相应的目录下就可以了。 Maya:placing the PVRGeoPOD_v2010.mll file in the Maya plugins folder. (Autodesk/Maya/Bin/plug-ins) MAX:放置到MAX 2011或2012的plugins目录中,并重启MAX。
2021-06-14 19:44:41 10.07MB Maya 3DMAX POD 插件
2021-06-14 10:30:21 2KB FBX 3DMAX 批量导出
里面有 3Dmax 和 AE的翻译字典包 可以在晴窗6.0里面使用
2021-06-12 16:42:17 237KB 3Dmax AE 软件字典包
2021-06-11 21:00:15 1.72MB 3dsmax
压缩包中包含如下动作列表(共37个目录下500个BIP动作): 01 Sitting in chair and talking 坐在椅子上谈话(4 motions) 02 Sitting in chair and drinking 坐在椅子上饮水 (3 motions) 03 Sitting to standing 从座着到站立(7 motions) 04 Walk in, sit down 行走,坐下(23 motions) 05 Seated Conversations 坐着交谈(6 motions) 06 Walk and run cycles 走和跑圈(44 motions) 07 Transitions 转变-慢到快(4 motions) 08 Walking with Large Box 搬大箱子(4 motions) 09 Walking with limp 上坡(13 motions) 10 Walking with hands in pockets 提着袋子走路(21 motions) 11 Walking with cane 拄着拐杖行走(4 motions) 12 Walking with parasol 撑着阳伞(女)行走(10 motions) 13 Walks with umbrella 撑着雨伞行走(9 motions) 14 Character walks 行走特征(18 motions) 15 Character walks and runs 走和跑特征(34 motions) 16 Walk in, negotiate obstacle, walk out 行走,通过障碍(26 motions) 17 Carrying bags and weights 提着重物行走(49 motions) 18 Blind person 盲人(4 motions) 19 Drunken adults 醉酒-成人(9 motions) 20 Drunken teenagers 醉酒-孩子(8 motions) 21 Disabilities-Crutches 双手拐杖(22 motions) 22 Bunny Girl 可爱女郎(13 motions) 23 Walking and lying down 走路并躺下(6 motions) 24 Sweeping with broom 用扫帚清洗(11 motions) 25 Scrubbing Floor 擦地板(2 motions) 26 Various kneeling and bowing 各种跪和鞠躬(7 motions) 27 Ambient moves 四周移动(35 motions) 28 Picking Things Up 捡东西(9 motions) 29 Opening Doors 开门(16 motions) 30 Standing Conversations, Addresses 站着交谈(9 motions) 31 Office 办公室(3 motions) 32 Dancing 跳舞(6 motions) 33 Sport Moves 运动(15 motions) 34 Driving 驾驶(7 motions) 35 Manual Labor 手工劳动(17 motions) 36 Gym Characters 体育馆项目(12 motions) 37 Throwing and catching 抓和扔(10 motions)
2021-06-11 13:18:51 20.25MB 3DMAX 动画资源 UNITY 3D游戏
3Dmax作品 期末作品设计 包含所有步骤,适合直接提交
2021-06-10 22:04:31 284KB 3Dmax 大学期末作业
3Dmax 游戏动画设计,人物角色动作bip文件,可以自己导入bip,里面多个动作,很适合交作业
2021-06-10 13:34:34 817KB 3Dmax 游戏动画 角色动作bip文件
2021-06-10 13:24:00 38KB 动作bip包