ESP32Time 用于在ESP32板上设置和检索内部RTC时间的Arduino库 在上可用 功能 setTime(30, 24, 15, 17, 1, 2021); // 17th Jan 2021 15:24:30 setTime(1609459200); // 1st Jan 2021 00:00:00 setTime(); // default 1st Jan 2021 00:00:00 getTime() // (String) 15:24:38 getDate() // (String) Sun, Jan 17 2021 getDate(true) // (String) Sunday, January 17 2021 getDateTime() // (String) Sun, Jan
2021-11-21 22:33:59 7KB arduino time esp32 arduino-library
LINUX的库 来源: : 电报: : 这是用于Linux的库conio.h。 在/ usr / include /上复制文件并将文件conio.h粘贴到/ usr / include /上 清单功能 cprintf cscanf gotoxy clrscr textcolor textbackground wherex wherey getch getche ungetch kbhit putch putchar cputs clreol insline (not implemented) delline (not implemented
2021-11-20 13:36:02 120KB linux library install cpp
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TMC2130Stepper:Trinamic TMC2130 Stepper驱动程序的Arduino库
2021-11-18 15:46:19 16.38MB Gslib
2021-11-18 08:08:58 39.37MB VS2012 图标库 系统图标 Windows图标
Master the Powerful Python 3 Standard Library through Real Code Examples The Python 3 Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for interacting with the operating system, interpreter, and Internet–all extensively tested and ready to jump-start application development. Now, Python expert Doug Hellmann introduces every major area of the Python 3.x library through concise source code and output examples. Hellmann’s examples fully demonstrate each feature and are designed for easy learning and reuse. You’ll find practical code for working with text, data structures, algorithms, dates/times, math, the file system, persistence, data exchange, compression, archiving, crypto, processes/threads, networking, Internet capabilities, email, developer and language tools, the runtime, packages, and more. Each section fully covers one module, with links to additional resources, making this book an ideal tutorial and reference. The Python 3 Standard Library by Example introduces Python 3.x’s new libraries, significant functionality changes, and new layout and naming conventions. Hellmann also provides expert porting guidance for moving code from 2.x Python standard library modules to their Python 3.x equivalents.
2021-11-16 20:11:09 14.14MB Python 3 Standard Library
Vue组件库 对于Vue 3 创建此项目框架是为了帮助人们开始使用以下方法创建自己的Vue组件库: (V3) 它具有以下特点: 可帮助您创建和展示组件 对您的Vue组件进行测试 发展 测验 npm run test 建造 npm run build 故事书 要在本地计算机上运行实时重新加载Storybook服务器,请执行以下操作: npm run storybook 要将Storybook导出为静态文件,请执行以下操作: npm run storybook:export 出版 通过NPM托管 首先,请确保您拥有一个NPM帐户,并 然后更新package.json的name字段,以在您的私有或公共NPM注册表中反映您的NPM软件包名称。 然后运行: npm publish package.json的"prepublishOnly": "npm run build"脚本将在
2021-11-15 16:39:16 359KB vue rollup component-library JavaScript
Foxit.Quick.PDF.Library.v17.11.WinAll.Regged-FALLEN.rar Debunu Quick PDF Library
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C++连接数据库的方法有很多种,在Visual C++和SQL Server的实际开发中,一般使用ODBC或ADO技术进行开发,相关技术和产品也最为成熟。这里我们采用的是ODBC方法连接数据库,使用的是MFC界面。
2021-11-12 17:24:04 1.01MB SQL Server