2021-10-20 19:59:45 7.5MB Understanding Linux Network Internal
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2021-09-28 22:57:23 10KB internal
对于非反馈线性化的系统,一个自然的问题是:如何找到最大的反馈线性化子系统,如果局部线性化不是唯一的,那么各种局部线性化的控制理论特性是什么。 在本文中,我们将考虑如何选择能够使零动力学渐近稳定的部分线性化输出以及何时存在这种输出的问题。并描述了两类系统。 对于第一类,所有最大的部分线性化导致相同的零动力学。 对于第二类,零代动力学的任何渐近行为可以由部分输出线性化的适当选择来实现。 在第二部分中,我们将结果应用于具有两个自由度的机械系统,并对它们的部分线性化进行了详细研究。我们通过Acrobot(属于第二类)和Pendubot(属于头等舱)。
2021-09-02 20:19:30 573KB internal stability maximal feedback
非博世官网下载datasheet,手册包括内部寄存器具体说明,CJ125芯片手册 for internal use only
2021-08-31 14:56:56 825KB CJ125 宽域氧
2021-08-30 11:05:15 6.66MB internal flow
2021-08-18 18:07:23 1.28MB ieee论文 陀螺仪姿态解算
2021年最新版: GP TEE internal Core API
2021-08-05 10:00:10 3.33MB globalplatform GP TEE trustonic
http://www.amazon.com/Shared-Source-Essentials-David-Stutz/dp/059600351X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280815814&sr=8-1 Product Description Microsoft's Shared Source CLI (code-named "Rotor") is the publicly available implementation of the ECMA Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and the ECMA C# language specification. Loaded with three million lines of source code, it presents a wealth of programming language technology that targets developers interested in the internal workings of the Microsoft .NET Framework, academics working with advanced compiler technology, and people developing their own CLI implementations. The CLI, at its heart, is an approach to building software that enables code from many independent sources to co-exist and interoperate safely. Shared Source CLI Essentials is a companion guide to Rotor's code. This concise and insightful volume provides a road map for anyone wishing to navigate, understand, or alter the Shared Source CLI code. This book illustrates the design principles used in the CLI standard and discusses the complexities involved when building virtual machines. Included with the book is a CD-ROM that contains all the source code and files.
2021-07-30 17:49:18 3.7MB windows internal
内部-外部矩阵(Internal-External Matrix,IE矩阵)
2021-07-16 14:02:37 72KB 内部-外部矩阵(Internal
MFC C++ Internal 英文 含书签!
2021-06-19 23:50:56 10.36MB MFC C++ Internal 英文