Distributed Optimization for Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems with External Disturbance and Discrete-Time Communication
2021-08-07 10:36:13 230KB 研究论文
Chapter I: Adaptation and Congestion in a Multi-Agent System to Analyse Empirical Traffic Problems Chapter II: A Multi-Agent Modeling Approach to Simulate Dynamic Activity-Travel Patterns Chapter III: MATSim-T: Architecture and Simulation Times Chapter IV: TRASS: A Multi-Purpose Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Complex Traffic Simulation Applications Chapter V: Applying Situated Agents to Microscopic Traffic Modelling Chapter VI: Fundamentals of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Chapter VII:“Social Potential” Models for Modeling Traffic and Transportation Chapter VIII: Towards Simulating Cognitive Agents in Public Transport Systems Chapter IX:An Unmanaged Intersection Protocol and ImprovedIntersection Safety for Autonomous Vehicles Chapter X:Valuation-Aware Traffic Control: The Notion and the Issues Chapter XI:Learning Agents for Collaborative Driving Chapter XII:Traffic Congestion Management as a Learning Agent Coordination Problem Chapter XIII:Exploring the Potential of Multiagent Learning for Autonomous Intersection Control Chapter XIV:New Approach to Smooth Traffic Flow with Route Information Sharing Multiagent Learning on Traffic:Lights Control: Effects of Using Shared Information Chapter XVI:The Merit of Agents in Freight Transport Chapter XVII Analyzing Transactions Costs in Transport Corridors Using Multi Agent-Based Simulation Chapter XVIII:A Multi-Agent Simulation of Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management
2021-08-05 14:32:38 12.65MB multi-agent traffic transportation
2021-08-05 14:01:35 348KB zabbix-agent
2021-08-03 17:08:00 992KB atlassian-agent
JADE_helloworld_agent Java JADE 框架,Eclipse Luna 的简单项目模板 ###安装 git clone https://github.com/iamgyz/JADE_helloworld_agent.git ###Eclipse 中的设置 先导入项目 运行方式 -> 运行配置 -> 新建 Java 应用程序 项目1:HelloWorldAgent 主类:jade.Boot 参数:-gui Alice:example.HelloWorldAgent;Bob:example.HelloWorldAgent 项目2:SendMessageAgent + ReceiveMessageAgent 主类:jade.Boot 参数:-gui Alice:example.SendMsgAgent;Bob:example.ReceiveMsgAgent
2021-07-22 13:03:04 2.45MB Java
2021-07-21 15:35:32 202.89MB ml-agent unity3D
zabbix agent需要安装到被监控的主机上,它负责定期收集各项数据,并发送到zabbix server端。此版本为修改后采集版本
2021-07-21 15:01:55 1.74MB zabbix-agent
2021-07-20 10:31:09 9.99MB 最新手机UA库 手机UA库
请先看完我的吃豆人游戏的博客,再决定是否要下载 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45771864/article/details/117004460
2021-07-18 13:06:40 350KB python pacman 伯克利