An algebraic number field is a finite extension of Q; an algebraic number is an element of an algebraic number field. Algebraic number theory studies the arithmetic of algebraic number fields — the ring of integers in the number field, the ideals in the ring of integers, the units, the extent to which the ring of integers fails to be have unique factorization, and so on. One important tool for this is “localization”, in which we complete the number field relative to a metric attached to a prime ideal of the number field. The completed field is called a local field — its arithmetic is much simpler than that of the number field, and sometimes we can answer questions by first solving them locally, that is, in the local fields.
2022-02-28 04:00:52 1.07MB maths algebra number
Solutions to Algebraic Topology∗Steven V Samssam@mit.eduAugust 1, 2008Contents1 The Fundamental Grou
2022-02-12 10:37:38 7.36MB 初中教育 初中学案
有关组合字理论的代数方法之集大成. 组合字是组合数学中新近兴起的一个分支,虽然目前其应用前景并不清晰,更像是数学家的游戏,但是按其现在的发展,日后可能会在组合理论和计算机科学中有一定的发展。目前,国内没有这方面的研究者。
2021-11-21 19:50:52 4.52MB 组合字
PHC包装 PHCpack是用于通过同伦连续方法求解多项式系统的软件包。 多项式系统是由多个变量组成的多项式序列。 同伦延续方法分两个阶段运行。 在第一阶段,构造了一系列的多项式系统(所谓的同伦)。 该同态包含具有已知解的多项式系统。 在第二阶段,从已知解开始,使用数值连续法来跟踪由同伦定义的解路径,并得出给定多项式系统的解。 PHCpack的1.0版已由ACM Transactions of Mathematical Software(ACM TOMS)作为算法795存档。PHCpack包含MixedVol(T。Gao,TY Li和M. Wu的ACM TOMS的算法846),可快速计算混合量。 DEMiCs(由T. Mizutani,A。Takeda和M. Kojima进行的所有混合单元的动态枚举)对于具有许多不同支持的大型系统,以比MixedVol更快的速度计算混合体积。 DEMi
complex algebraic curves
2021-11-03 09:03:39 1.48MB complex algebraic curves
依赖于模型输出的 Vd 被反馈到模型输入,如果不存在滤波器,这将导致代数环。 代数环的持续存在表明 V 滤波器和 I 滤波器实现可能在模拟过程中的某个时间点有意外的直接馈通。 所提出的模型使用功能正常的过滤器绕过了有故障的过滤器,从而打破了代数环。
2021-10-10 13:29:59 165KB matlab
Algebraic Graph Theory是图理论的经典教材,非影印版
2021-09-23 10:40:41 5.95MB 图理论
2021-09-13 08:39:13 5.58MB channel coding Blahut
2021-08-09 22:07:49 14.61MB 数学
代数拓扑领域国外名著 My efforts to organize the foundations of algebraic topology in a way that caters to both pedagogical goals. There are evident defects from both points of view. A treatment more closely attuned to the needs of algebraic geometers and analysts would include ˇCech cohomology on the one hand and de Rham cohomology and perhaps Morse homology on the other.
2021-07-28 09:50:05 1.26MB course algebra topology