2021-08-23 13:06:49 4.49MB 摄像头 光学镜头 成像原理 ISP
信息安全_数据安全_Wireless Sensor Networks Under A 安全研究 安全架构安全管理 业务安全 自动化
2021-08-23 13:00:51 735KB 漏洞分析 安全体系 web安全 大数据
ROAD_MODEL_FUSION 用于AD / ADAS功能的道路模型融合 0.简介:- 我们在自驾车前安装了一系列摄像头传感器,用于ADAS / AD应用。该项目的目标是估算包括Ego Lane几何图形和Road Grid在内的道路模型 图1 :(输入)测量值:自我通道边界相机的检测以类波峰参数的形式出现 1.估算输出: 1.1道路模型(自我车道边界线融合+道路几何+道路网格):- 2.高级设计: 2.1到线迹关联的线测量以进行自我车道边界估计:- 2.2自我通道中线估计:- 2.3道路模型计算: 3.高级融合架构: 4.道路网格参数化:
2021-08-21 15:27:13 213.39MB estimation filtering sensor-fusion lane-detection
2021-08-20 01:20:55 4KB scan
展讯 camera_启动速度优化
2021-08-17 15:16:52 20KB 展讯 camera sensor 启动
Sensor Toolkit is a collection of 2D and 3D sensor components that can be placed on your game objects and easily integrated with your scripts or PlayMaker actions. It's a convenient abstraction on top of Unity's basic sensing functionality, such as ray casts or trigger colliders, but with many advantages. It's lightweight, has advanced features and is applicable to a broad range of problems. Who is this for: Everyone! Non-programmers will love Sensor Toolkit because it lets them create sensing behavior visually and without coding. Programmers will love Sensor Toolkit because it reduces boilerplate and has advanced features and debugging views. You will develop game behavior quickly and you will keep your scripts lean and neat. Sensor Toolkit makes no assumptions about your game and can be easily integrated into an existing project. Features: • Ray casting sensors, trigger collider sensors and spherical sensors. • A tool for building parametric field of view cones. • Steering sensors and steering behavior for characters and spaceships. • Detect individual colliders or rigid bodies composed of multiple colliders. • Many filtering options for fine tuning what sensors can detect. • Advanced line of sight implementation that can calculate partial visibility. • Easy integration with C# scripts and PlayMaker actions. • No garbage generated. • Lots of examples to follow.
2021-08-15 01:58:58 121B unity unity3d
camera CMOS sensor基本结构以及原理
2021-08-13 14:08:43 1.11MB sensor结构资料
使用2个pulse sensor心率传感器同时采集心率脉搏数据并上传到PC显示的代码,包括下位机arduino代码和上位机Processing代码,此外该代码可以修改到同时使用6个pulse sensor传感器。
2021-08-13 09:20:06 37KB 心率 脉搏 多传感器
arduino 利用MAX31865采集PT100 proteus仿真电路(含程序,含电路)
2021-08-09 13:07:30 58KB MAX31865 PT100 Arduino
2021-08-08 01:09:44 4.4MB CMOS SONY