Application Note 145 Implementing DLLs for Hardware Debuggers (AGDI) Rev. 3 This application note shows how to create µVision DLLs to interface to hardware debuggers. The description is useful for developers of hardware emulators and debugger interfaces. An example program is provided to getting started with the development for 8051 and C166 microcontrollers. Revision 3 describes the Flash programming interface that is available in µVision. Use this information to erase and program Flash devices directly from the µVision IDE.
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The evolvable hardware (EHW) is widely used in the design of fault-tolerant system. Fault-tolerant system is really a real-time system, and the recovery time is necessary in fault detection and recovery. However, when applying EHW, real-time characteristic is usually ignored. In this paper, a fault-tolerant strategy based on EHW is proposed. The recovery time, predicted by the fault tree analysis (FTA), is considered as a constraint condition. A configuration library is set up in the design phas
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集成电路 关于 iSMC是Apple系统管理控制器(SMC)的CLI工具,它尝试向SMC查询许多众所周知的键,并确定它们的类型和值,并将它们分类为温度,功率,电流,电压,风扇和电池读数。 它还将尝试对每个找到的SMC密钥给出易于理解的描述。 通常,各种台式机和服务器Apple硬件都应该可以工作,并且绝对可以在所有基于Intel的Mac计算机上工作。 安装 有两种安装iSMC (该工具仅在macOS计算机上有效): 手册 从页面下载您喜欢并手动安装。 使用go get go get 用法 用法: $ iSMC help Apple SMC CLI tool that can decode and display temperature, fans, battery, power, voltage and current information for various hardware in your Apple Mac hardware. Usage: iSMC [flags] iSMC [command] Availabl
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