移远5G模组资料RM500U手册、软件和硬件参考 1、Quectel_RM500U系列_5G_模块产品规格书_V1.4 2、Quectel_RM500U系列_5G_模块产品介绍_V1.2 Software: 1、Quectel_RG200U&Rx500U系列_AT命令手册_V1.0 2、Quectel_RG200U-CN&Rx500U-CN_Linux_USB驱动_用户指导_V1.2 3、Quectel_RG200U-CN&Rx500U-CN_Log抓取指导_V1.3 4、Quectel_RG200U-CN&Rx500U-CN_TCP(IP)_应用指导_V2.0 5、Quectel_RG200U-CN&Rx500U-CN_高温降速降功率应用指导_V1.1 6、Quectel_RG200U-CN&Rx500U-CN_网卡拨号应用指导_V1.1 7、Quectel_RGx00U&RM500U系列_DFOTA_应用指导_V1.2 8、Quectel_RGx00U&RM500U系列_FTP(S)_应用指导_V1.0 9、Quectel_RGx00U&RM500U系列_TCP(IP)_应用指
2024-03-27 10:35:24 13.06MB linux 网络协议
Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware Software Interface(计算机组成与设计:硬件:软件接口) 压缩包中包含该书的第3、4、5版(英文原版)
2023-09-12 10:41:02 38.64MB 组成与设计
1364-2005 - IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language
2023-07-19 10:13:00 6.17MB IEEE Standard Verilog
地位 实验性的。 不要复制。 日出时钟硬件 日出时钟的原理图和PCB文件。 该日出时钟试图使用数字LED(SK6812)将用户从睡眠中轻轻唤醒,以模拟日出,并使用I2S单声道放大器通过其cr脚的扬声器同时播放舒缓的声音。 1个显示器不足以查看用户在处理干眼症时遇到的时间,因此有3个显示器能够显示几个字符,每个字符都带有大字体。 同样,没有触摸屏,因此用户无需看大的触觉按钮就可以更改设置。 日出时钟的样子: 该项目使用了我的。
2023-04-05 15:30:07 478KB
Marvell Alleycat5P-XL Hardware Datasheet, 介绍AlleyCat5P-XL Family of Multi-Layer 1/2.5/5/10/25/50/100/200/400G Ethernet Switches for Enterprise and Public/Private Cloud Networks
2023-04-05 02:33:33 2.54MB Marvell AlleyCat5P 98DX45XX 100G
This section describes the primary objectives and scope of the PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) specification. It also defines the intended audience and lists relevant terminology and documents.
2023-03-18 14:37:19 4.17MB PXI 规范 PCI
妈祖心 妈祖模拟(mazu-sim)是6DoF火箭模拟平台。 它基于 目的是提供验证飞行软件、交付精度的硬件在环和飞行测试。 入门 0. 克隆回购 $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/octoberskyTW/mazu-sim 1. 依赖 GCC 5.4以上 Python 2.7 cpplint $ sudo apt-get install htop cmake vim tree git-core libopenblas-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev bison curl flex python-pip clang-format cppcheck $ pip install cpplint 2.第三方安装 犰狳矩阵库-9.700.2 third-party/armadillo $ tar x
2023-03-01 22:07:56 8.87MB simulation arrc hardware-in-the-loop 6-dof
2023-02-27 21:51:21 5.32MB 硬件描述语言标准
Memory Barriers: a Hardware View for Software Hackers 讲解内存屏障的好论文,推荐!
2023-02-26 18:38:23 281KB barrie memory
There are several books about hardware verification, so what makes this book different? Put simply, this book is meant to be useful in your day-to-day work—which is why we refer to it throughout as a handbook. The authors are like you, cube dwellers, with battle scars from developing chips. We must cope with impossible schedules, a shortage of people to do the work, and constantly mutating hardware specifications. We subtitled this book An Object-Oriented Framework because a major theme of the book is how to use object-oriented programming (OOP) to do verification well. We focus on real-world examples, bloopers, and code snippets. Sure, we talk about programming theory, but the theme of this book is how to write simpler, adaptable, reusable code. We focus mainly on OOP techniques because we feel that this is the best way to manage the ever-increasing complexity of verification. We back this up with open-source Verification Intellectual Property (VIP), several complete test systems, and scripts to run them.
2023-02-05 21:45:12 3.48MB Verification SystemVerilog