三星ML-1670_ML1676_ML1675清零软件_V04 解码软件 解决红灯不打印的问题 一次解码永久加粉不用换芯片 不用换鼓 解码说明: 首先电脑只接一台打印机,电脑能检测到打印机状态,刷机前先把打印机关机重新开机,预热完毕后就可以开始刷机解码了。
2022-01-21 13:29:30 956KB 三星 ML-1670清零 ML1676解码 清零软件
以MovieLens 的 ml-100k 为实验数据,基于 ItemCF 算法的推荐结果。
2022-01-21 09:15:25 19.64MB 算法
以MovieLens 的 ml-100k 为实验数据,基于 ItemCF 算法作推荐,实现代码。
2022-01-21 09:15:25 15KB mapreduce hadoop
MLKit示例 一组快速入门示例,这些示例演示了Android和iOS上的 API。 注意:由于此仓库的工作方式,我们不再直接接受拉取请求。 相反,我们将在内部对其进行修补,然后将其同步出去。
2022-01-18 15:31:08 63.75MB google translation barcode text-recognition
两配对样本, 麦克尼马尔检验(McNemar test)等. 介绍可查看: https://blog.csdn.net/orDream/article/details/122540099
2022-01-17 19:15:01 1.34MB ML
2022-01-15 11:45:41 1.64MB JupyterNotebook
Vivado ML 2021 百度网盘链接.txt
2022-01-12 15:28:05 84B vivado_ML
spring1718-Assignment3 --cs231n's the newest source code and learning source
2022-01-11 13:21:21 3.89MB cs231n ai ml prml
机器学习PPT模板 [ML Visuals](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11mR1nkIR9fbHegFkcFq8z9oDQ5sjv8E3JJp1LfLGKuk/edit?usp=sharing) is a new collaborative effort to help the machine learning community in improving science communication by providing free professional, compelling and adequate visuals and figures. Currently, we have over 100 figures (all open community contributions). You are free to use the visuals in your machine learning presentations or blog posts. You don’t need to ask permission to use any of the visuals but it will be nice if you can provide credit to the designer/author (author information found in the slide notes). Check out the versions of the visuals below. This is a project made by the [dair.ai](https://dair.ai/) community. The latest version of the Google slides can be found in this GitHub repository. Our community members will continue to add more common figures and basic elements in upcoming versions. Think of this as free and open artifacts and templates which you can freely and easily download, copy, distribute, reuse and customize to your own needs. ML Visuals is now being used to power 100s of figures used by master/PhD students, papers (like this [one](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.05113)), among other use cases.
2022-01-10 19:14:33 29.38MB 机器学习 可编辑
2022-01-10 00:15:47 40.92MB BP算法推导 期末论文 DL ML