“#Soccer_robot”运行命令:python soccer_world.py
2021-12-16 12:59:50 42KB JupyterNotebook
(点击图片观看视频) 启动 Roomba 代码的主要类是 au.com.rsutton.entryPoint.Main
2021-12-15 11:10:01 2.09MB java robot navigation autonomous
Is the third volume of carefully edited chapters devoted to the Robot Operating System (ROS) with working examples, demonstrations and illustrations .Editors: Koubaa, Anis (Ed.)
2021-12-13 22:35:03 32.07MB ROS The Complete Koubaa
Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference (Volume 4) Anis Koubaa This is the fourth volume of the successful series Robot Operating Systems: The Complete Reference, providing a comprehensive overview of robot operating systems (ROS), which is currently the main development framework for robotics applications, as well as the latest trends and contributed systems. The book is divided into four parts: Part 1 features two papers on navigation, discussing SLAM and path planning. Part 2 focuses on the integration of ROS into quadcopters and their control. Part 3 then discusses two emerging applications for robotics: cloud robotics, and video stabilization. Part 4 presents tools developed for ROS; the first is a practical alternative to the roslaunch system, and the second is related to penetration testing. This book is a valuable resource for ROS users and wanting to learn more about ROS capabilities and features.
2021-12-13 22:33:53 6.77MB ros 机器人
Robot Operating System(ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 1)
2021-12-13 22:32:42 27.74MB ROS
rosnodejs 安装 npm install rosnodejs 启动一个节点 const rosnodejs = require('rosnodejs'); rosnodejs.initNode('/my_node') .then(() => { // do stuff }); 发布/订阅 const nh = rosnodejs.nh; const sub = nh.subscribe('/chatter', 'std_msgs/String', (msg) => { console.log('Got msg on chatter: %j', msg); }); const pub = nh.advertise('/chatter', 'std_msgs/String'); pub.publish({ data: "hi" }); UDP运输(实验性) const nh
2021-12-13 17:22:51 167KB nodejs javascript robot robotics
机器人状态估计State Estimate for Robot,学习slam的必备资料
2021-12-13 16:43:28 4.59MB 状态估计
IBM的测试工具Rational Robot破解.
2021-12-13 15:47:04 4KB rational robot 破解
机器人跟随距离估算 该机器人将跟随面部并根据使用计算机视觉的距离估计进行操作,而没有任何传感器需要单摄像头,后者可提供从机器人到PC /笔记本电脑的实时视频 机器人图像 流程图 所需硬件 名称 项目 底盘机器人 1个 直流电动机 4 Arduino的 2个 NRF24L01 2个 L298马达驱动器 1个 电源12伏 1个 RGB LED 1个可选 跳线 40+ 面包板一半(大小) 1或2 所需软件 Arduino IDE NRF库----> Python模块 Opencv的Opencv用于图像处理 皮塞里亚尔Pyserial允许我们在python(软件)和Arduino(硬件)之间进行通信 Iriun网络摄像头 它将为我们将智能手机转换为无线相机 下载适用于Windows Linux和Mac的软件: : 我的Iriun网络摄像头链接教程: : //youtu.be/
2021-12-11 16:32:24 3.14MB Python
机器人学导论,第三版,美John craig 英文原版,很有价值的一本学机器人的书。
2021-12-08 16:51:32 4.12MB robot 机器人学导论 英文版