2021-08-13 21:07:23 2.4MB 组合数学,编码理论,英文版
A First Course in Complex Analysis was written for a one-semester undergraduate course developed at Binghamton University (SUNY) and San Francisco State University, and has been adopted at several other institutions. For many of our students, Complex Analysis is their first rigorous analysis (if not mathematics) class they take, and this book reflect this very much. We tried to rely on as few concepts from real analysis as possible. In particular, series and sequences are treated from scratch, which has the (maybe disadvantageous) consequence that power series are introduced late in the course. The goal our book works toward is the Residue Theorem, including some nontraditional applications from both continuous and discrete mathematics.
2021-08-13 20:44:43 2.99MB Complex analysis 复分析
ISMS Auditor_Lead Auditor Training Course ISO 27001 Sampe Material
2021-08-11 09:00:58 6.33MB ISMSAuditor_Lea
Sheldon Ross - A First Course in Probability
2021-08-10 17:58:55 19.09MB Sheldon Ross - A
A course in game theory 中文+英文 高清带书签,博弈论入门经典书籍
2021-08-08 15:46:30 8.1MB 博弈论
第一条强大数定律(strong law of large numbers)是由波莱尔在1909年对伯努利试验场合验证的,给出了几乎处处收敛的随机变量列的性质。强大数定律主要包括波莱尔强大数定律、柯尔莫哥洛夫强大数定律等。
2021-08-07 11:36:27 20.6MB a first cour pdf
如标题所示;和大家一起分享NI TestStand 测试开发技术.....XXXXXX......20个字够了
2021-08-05 13:31:47 4.71MB NI TestStand Course pdf
Course on SLAM.pdf
2021-08-02 16:45:18 1.25MB SLAM
代数拓扑领域国外名著 My efforts to organize the foundations of algebraic topology in a way that caters to both pedagogical goals. There are evident defects from both points of view. A treatment more closely attuned to the needs of algebraic geometers and analysts would include ˇCech cohomology on the one hand and de Rham cohomology and perhaps Morse homology on the other.
2021-07-28 09:50:05 1.26MB course algebra topology
oTree简介 (意大利特伦托大学DEM-CEEL) 描述 该课程使用软件处理实验编程, 是用于管理社会科学实验室实验的创新软件。 详细说明了范例实验的实现。 先决条件 实验经济学的基础知识。 计算机编程的基本知识。 访问计算机。 安装(开源和免费)。 课程主要内容 模块 话题 oTree:oTree中实验的编程和管理 oTree:实验的基本组成部分 oTree:问卷和个人决策 oTree:战略互动 oTree:样式 免责声明:此处提供的所有代码均按“原样”和“ *可用”形式提供,并且您同意完全自担风险使用此类代码。
2021-07-27 23:54:00 78.91MB HTML