Java Crash Course [2016]

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Java Crash Course - The Complete Beginner's Course to Learn Java Programming in 21 Clear-Cut Lessons Paperback – December 20, 2016 Are you bored of the traditional methods people tell you to use to learn programming languages? Are you bored of all those boring programming books that pile up making everything look so hard? What if we told you there's a better, more enjoyable way to learn Java programming language and grow your knowledge exponentially? Well, guess what? There is! The best way to learn Java is by following a set of step by step, clear cut, uncomplicated lessons The problem? You might feel like you don't know where to start, or you may feel lost trying to read whatever pops up on the internet. And that’s exactly why we created this book. Quick Lessons + Dozens of Practical Exercises = Faster Learning We know how difficult it may seem to learn a programming language from scratch, let alone trying to put all that learning into practice. But what you might not realize is that it's fairly easy to fully incorporate the essentials of Java programming once you frame that learning into a certain context (for example, practical exercises). The aim is to achieve all the necessary skills to learn how to actually implement Java. This e-book will guide you through the process, allowing you to expand your skills in Java more quickly than usual, making sense of ideas, understanding new concepts, and getting a better grasp of the essentials of Java programming in a relatively short period of time. Our straightforward lessons work because they eliminate the stress of forcing yourself to overcome the complexity most books present. Instead, when you go through our 21 lessons, you will learn Java without even realizing you’re learning it! Your goal is to simply focus on a lesson at a time (they only a take few minutes to read). The lessons start right from the beginning, covering the basics of Java and building up from there. We wanted these lessons to be fun, interestin



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