2021-06-02 10:56:05 1.3MB EC
2021-05-28 23:50:09 46.25MB STM32 CUBE QT PID
cube.html 关键帧动画旋转
2021-05-26 13:01:46 3KB html5
2021-05-24 12:20:54 96.56MB CUBE STM32H743 DP83848
2021-05-22 10:46:29 948KB sony
2021-05-20 11:09:10 2.09MB ECCUBE,日文
按以下描述和要求建立两个类:基类 Rectangle(矩形类) 和派生类 Cube(正方体) 1. Rectangle 私有成员:     double x1, y1;            //左下角的坐标     double x2, y2;            //右上角的坐标 公有成员:     带缺省值的构造函数 Rectangle(double a=0,double b=0, double c=0, double d=0),对矩 形的左下角坐标和右上角坐标进行初始化,若未赋初值,则矩形的左下角坐标和右上角 坐标都采用缺省值 0;     函数 double getwidth()计算并返回矩形的宽;     函数 double getlength()计算并返回矩形的长;     函数 void display()输出矩形的各坐标及长宽。 2. 立方体 Cube 的底面矩形从基类继承 Cube 私有成员:     string name  或者 char name[10];              //立方体的名称(字符串对象)       double h;                                                      //立方体高度 公有成员:     带缺省值的构造函数 Cube(double a=0, double b=0, double c=0, double d=0, char *s=0, double h1=0),其中 char *s 是立方体的名称,double h1 是立方体的高度值;     函数 void set(char *, double)用来修改立方体的名称和高度值;     函数 void display()输出立方体全部信息,并计算输出体积;     函数 Cube add(Cube &S)将形式参数 S 的高度加到 this 对象上。 string 类包含在头文件 string.h 中。 3. 主函数要求: (1) 定义 Rectangle 类对象 A{坐标:10, 10, 30,40}; 定义 Cube 类对象 B{坐标:20, 10, 30, 40;名称和高度:Box, 60}、C(C 数据由 B 拷贝 产生)和 D(D 数据暂无)。 (2) 调用函数 set 修改对象 C 的名称和高度值,数据为{Trunk, 95}。 (3) 调用函数 display 及相关函数输出对象 A、B 和 C 的全部数据,计算输出 B 和 C 的体 积。每个对象的信息占一行。 (4) 调用 add 函数,将 B 和 C 的高度值之和赋值给 D 的高度值,输出 D 的全部数据,计 算并输出 D 的体积。 文件为word形式,请复制粘贴到VS的cpp文件中运行。
2021-05-20 09:00:19 33KB c++ 机试
2021-05-18 20:27:58 2.21MB stm32 tcpip 网络 socket
STM32电机控制开发包完全版V5.5.1-5.Y.1,2021年5月3日更新。 STM32 Motor Control Software Development Kit (MCSDK) - FULL source code Main Changes Version 5.Y.1 of the Motor Control Software Development Kit (X-CUBE-MCDSK) is a bug fix release of version 5.Y.0. It fixes the following issues: Some Motor Control examples delivered with MCSDK 5.Y.0 would not configure DMA channels properly to work with the new Motor Control and thus with the Motor Pilot. Also, the baudrate of the UART port configured by examples is set to 1,8 Mbps, the same as ST Motor Pilot's default. ACIM motor based examples do not build on 5.Y.0. They build well on 5.Y.1. The descriptions of EVSPIN32F0x inverter boards delivered with the Workbench had wrong DC & AC voltage supply ranges. These have been corrected as follows: Inverter Wrong AC supply range Corrected AC supply range DC supply range EVSPIN32F02Q1S1, EVSPIN32F0251S1 20 - 120 Vac 15 - 120 Vac 20 - 170 Vdc EVSPIN32F06Q1S1, EVSPIN32F0601S1 50 - 280 Vac 35 - 280 Vac 50 - 400 Vdc EVSPIN32F06Q2S1, EVSPIN32F0602S1 50 - 280 Vac 35 - 280 Vac 50 - 400 Vdc EVSPIN32F06Q1S3, EVSPIN32F0601S3 50 - 280 Vac 35 - 280 Vac 50 - 400 Vdc Six-Step High Voltage examples based on the EVSPIN32F0251S1 inverter board were mistakenly not included into 5.Y.0 version. They are in 5.Y.1. The Pilot would fail to update registers values from the embedded application in some situations. In such a case, information like the motor rotation speed, status and error information would not display. Fixed issues with the DAC output feature. Added many signals to the Datalog and the DAC output features. Among them, the observers, encoder and Hall sensors angles. Running the motor in the negative direction on STM32F0 based designs with 1 shunt and Hall sensor configuration may trigger an overcurrent error. Fixed an issue found on ESC G4 and F3 inverter boards with Motor Control Protocol v2. Contents Components Version License Terms Release Note Utilities/PC_Software/STMotorProfiler 1.3.2
2021-05-12 17:02:12 234.39MB 电机控制 FOC算法 STM32 MCSDK
X-CUBE-MCSDK-FUL_5.5.1 最新完整版ST电机库
2021-05-12 13:01:31 234.38MB X-CUBE-MCSDK-FUL 5.5.1 5.Y.1 ST电机库完整版