2021-10-04 07:43:55 3.88MB 操作系统
2021-10-04 07:40:51 3.44MB 操作系统
There’s something really satisfying about turning theory into practice, bringing with it a great feeling of accomplishment. Moreover it usually deepens and solidifies your understanding of the theoretical aspects of the subject, while at the same time eliminating misconceptions and misunderstandings. So it’s not surprising that the the fundamental philosophy of this book is that ‘theory is best understood by putting it into practice’. Well, that’s fine as it stands. Unfortunately the practice may a bit more challenging, especially in the field of real-time operating systems. First, you need a sensible, practical toolset on which to carry out the work. Second, for many self-learners, cost is an issue; the tools mustn’t be expensive. Third, they mustn’t be difficult to get, use and maintain. So what we have here is our approach to providing you with a low cost toolset for RTOS experimentation.
2021-09-27 15:50:01 25.69MB real-time operating systems
Handbook of multisensor data fusion : theory and practice / editors, Martin E. Liggins, David L. Hall, James Llinas. -- 2nd ed. p. cm. -- (Electrical engineering and applied signal processing series ; no. 22) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4200-5308-1 (hbk. : alk. paper) 1. Multisensor data fusion--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Hall, David L. (David Lee), 1946- II. Liggins, Martin E. III. Hall, David L. IV. Llinas, James. V. Title. VI. Series.
《SOA实践指南》展示了实现面向服务的架构(SOA)切实可行的规律,使得SOA不再只是镜花水月,可望而不可及。《SOA实践指南》基于作者在一家领先行业的公司中全面推广SOA的第一手经验,解释了SOA如何简化大型应用的创建和维护。不管你的项目是包含一套巨大的、基于Web Services的组件集,还是需要将老系统和更现代化的业务流程连接起来,《SOA实践指南》都阐明了SOA如何满足你的需要。 附件中为英文版。
2021-09-24 12:00:03 3.21MB SOA in Practice Art
2021-09-22 20:33:15 69.23MB DS practice
CKAD-练习题 此 repo 包含基于 DCA 学习指南的所有合并问题列表 Kubernetes 是一个开源系统,用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化应用程序。 CNCF/Linux 基金会提供这种基于性能的考试,针对 Kubernetes 技能的开发人员方面,例如部署应用程序、配置应用程序、推出应用程序、创建持久卷等。 由于这次考试是基于表现的,而不仅仅是多项选择题,仅仅知道概念是不够的,我们需要在考试前进行大量练习。 本文可帮助您理解、练习并为考试做好准备。 我们不会在这里讨论任何概念,相反,我只是想根据这里提供的课程为 CKAD 考试创建一堆练习题。 目录: 其他重要链接 其他认证
2021-09-22 16:05:38 14KB
Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision. Theory and Practice .pdf
2021-09-22 11:26:34 9.59MB Template Matching Techniques in
THE WEB HAS RADICAlly TRAnSFORmED THE WAy we produce and share informa- tion. Its international ecosystem of applications and services allows us to search, aggre- gate, combine, transform, replicate, cache, and archive the information that underpins today’s digital society. Successful despite its chaotic growth, it is the largest, least formal integration project ever attempted—all of this, despite having barely entered its teenage years. Today’s Web is in large part the human Web: human users are the direct consumers of the services offered by the majority of today’s web applications. Given its success in managing our digital needs at such phenomenal scale, we’re now starting to ask how we might apply the Web’s underlying architectural principles to building other kinds of distributed systems, particularly the kinds of distributed systems typically implemented by “enterprise application” developers.
2021-09-22 11:05:49 12.23MB REST in Practice.pdf
编译原理及实践Compiler ConstructionPrinciples and Practice(中文版和英文版)都是文字版 可搜索文字
2021-09-21 22:36:36 16.71MB 计算机科学 编译原理 程序设计