虹膜推理网络服务 该项目包含用于为在Iris数据集上训练的XGBoost多类别分类器提供服务的代码,并通过启用了docker的fastAPI接口提供服务,此外还包括pytest单元测试以及通过蝗虫对已部署服务的负载测试。 通过在项目根文件夹中运行以下命令,可以使用pipreqs提取需求: pipreqs --encoding=utf8 ./ 运行网络服务器 cd src uvicorn main:app --port 8006 (--reload) 或使用docker-compose: docker-compose up 使用.env文件中的指定主机和容器端口。 之后,您可以浏览生成的文档,通过上的Swagger UI尝试API的功能和行为,默认情况下为 运行测试套件 从根项目文件夹: pytest 使用蝗虫进行负载测试 运行蝗虫服务 cd load_test locust --
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Data as a Service shows how organizations can leverage “data as a service” by providing real-life case studies on the various and innovative architectures and related patterns Comprehensive approach to introducing data as a service in any organization A reusable and flexible SOA based architecture framework Roadmap to introduce ‘big data as a service’ for potential clients Presents a thorough description of each component in the DaaS reference architecture so readers can implement solutions Table of Contents Part One: Overview of Fundamental Concepts Chapter 1: Introduction to DaaS Chapter 2: DaaS Strategy and Reference Architecture Chapter 3: Data Asset Management Part Two: DaaS Architecture Framework and Components Chapter 4: Enterprise Data Services Chapter 5: Enterprise and Canonical Modeling Chapter 6: Business Glossary for DaaS Chapter 7: SOA and Data Integration Chapter 8: Data Quality and Standards Part Three: DaaS Solution Blueprints Chapter 9: Reference Data Services Chapter 10: Master Data Services Chapter 11: Big Data and Analytical Services Part Four: Ensuring Organizational Success Chapter 12: DaaS Governance Framework Chapter 13: Securing the DaaS Environment Chapter 14: Taking DaaS from Concept to Reality Appendix A: Data Standards Initiatives and Resources Appendix B: Data Privacy & Security Regulations Appendix C: Terms and Acronyms Appendix D: Bibliography
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