AI公平 我发现有关AI公平的笔记,参考资料和材料对我的研究很有帮助,并为我提供了帮助。 阅读清单 博客文章: 博客文章: COMPAS与刑事司法 权衡和不可能的结果 分类,校准,精度,召回率 观测措施的固有局限性 除了观察措施 因果推理 背景资料:Pearl(第1--3章),Pearl(第4.5.3节) 因果公平标准 相似性建模,匹配 测量,取样 博客文章: 无监督学习 法律和政策观点 背景阅读
CSP规则V2.1 基于模式的有限约束满足问题的通用求解器 1.什么是CSP规则? 有限的二进制约束满足问题(CSP)由一组有限的变量(以下称为CSP变量)定义,每个变量都具有一个有限的域。 问题是要为每个变量在其域中找到一个值,以使这些值满足一组预定义的二进制约束。 一个典型的流行例子是数独。 CSP-Rules是有限二进制CSP的基于常规模式(或基于规则)的求解器。 它包括拉丁方求解器,数独求解器,Futoshiki求解器,Kakuro求解器,地图着色问题的求解器,Hidato求解器,Numbrix求解器和Slitherlink求解器。 2.解决CSP的[PBCS]或CSP-Rules方法 在CSP-Rules方法中,将CSP-Variable的可能值称为候选者,并且通过两个候选者之间的直接矛盾链接(或简称为链接)来表示二进制约束。 CSP规则与CSP解决方法具有内在的联系,在我的《
python的遗传算法 该库希望为遗传算法构建一个包装器,以在优化情况下发挥作用。 它希望在拥有所有预期的标准功能的同时,使编写无限可定制的遗传算法变得轻松快捷。 路线图 添加突变效价和频率,将群体流提取到用户定义的序列。 添加多人口模型 添加通用的交叉和变异通用方法 例子 这是一个最大化列表中值的基本示例,从运行100代的10个成员开始。 然后它将登录到屏幕,并以短格式创建包含各个世代信息的csv文件。 import genetic_algorithms as ga import random class MyMember ( ga . MemberBase ): def _construct_from_params ( self , construction_parameters = None ): # Starting point is a bunch
2021-12-01 09:22:49 2.46MB Prediction-M
The eld of arti cial intelligence (AI) and the law is on the cusp of a revolution that began with text analytic programs like IBM’s Watson and Debater and the open-source informa- tion management architectures on which they are based. Today, new legal applications are beginning to appear, and this book – designed to explain computational processes to non-programmers – describes how they will change the practice of law, speci cally by connecting computational models of legal reasoning directly with legal text, generat- ing arguments for and against particular outcomes, predicting outcomes, and explaining these predictions with reasons that legal professionals will be able to evaluate for them- selves. These legal apps will support conceptual legal information retrieval and enable cognitive computing, enabling a collaboration between humans and computers in which each performs the kinds of intelligent activities that they can do best. Anyone interested in how AI is changing the practice of law should read this illuminating work. Dr. Kevin D. Ashley is a Professor of Law and Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh, Senior Scientist, Learning Research and Development Center, and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science. He received a B.A. from Princeton University, a JD from Harvard Law School, and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Mas- sachusetts. A visiting scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NSF Presidential Young Investigator, and Fellow of the American Association for Arti cial Intelligence, he is co-Editor-in-Chief of Arti cial Intelligence and Law and teaches in the University of Bologna Erasmus Mundus doctoral program in Law, Science, and Technology.
2021-11-23 09:07:08 39.16MB AI 人工智能
标签转换器 在 Pytorch 中实现 ,表格数据的注意力网络。 这种简单的架构与 GBDT 的性能相差无几。 安装 $ pip install tab-transformer-pytorch 用法 import torch from tab_transformer_pytorch import TabTransformer cont_mean_std = torch . randn ( 10 , 2 ) model = TabTransformer ( categories = ( 10 , 5 , 6 , 5 , 8 ), # tuple containing the number of unique values within each category num_continuous = 10 , # number of co
2021-11-18 21:18:24 619KB Python C# artificial-intelligence Keras
路由变压器 全功能实现。本文提出使用k最近邻居将相似的查询/关键字路由到同一群集中以引起注意。 131k代币 安装 $ pip install routing_transformer 用法 简单的语言模型 import torch from routing_transformer import RoutingTransformerLM model = RoutingTransformerLM ( num_tokens = 20000 , dim = 512 , heads = 8 , depth = 12 , max_seq_len = 8192 , causal = True , # auto-regressive or not emb_dim = 128 , # embedding fa
轴向注意 在Pytorch中实施。 一种简单而强大的技术,可以有效处理多维数据。 它为我和许多其他研究人员创造了奇迹。 只需在数据中添加一些位置编码,然后将其传递到此方便的类中,即可指定要嵌入的尺寸以及要旋转的轴向尺寸。 所有的排列,整形,都将为您解决。 实际上,这篇论文由于过于简单而被拒绝了。 然而,自那以后,它已成功用于许多应用中,包括, 。 只是去展示。 安装 $ pip install axial_attention 用法 图像 import torch from axial_attention import AxialAttention img = torch . randn ( 1 , 3 , 256 , 256 ) attn = AxialAttention ( dim = 3 , # embedding dimension
2021-11-08 16:08:17 9.49MB 人工智能 认知科学