shell 脚本通过 dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --latency 数据计算 FPS 和评价流畅度。-附件资源
2022-01-05 20:50:07 23B
TensorFlow_Lite_Pose_Jetson-Nano 在Jetson Nano上运行的TensorFlow Lite Posenet 在Jetson Nano上的TensorFlow Lite Posenet的快速C ++实现。 一旦超频至2015 MHz,该应用程序将以15.2 FPS的速度运行。 基准。 CPU 2015兆赫 GPU 2015 MHz CPU 1479兆赫 GPU 1479 MHZ RPi 4 64os 1950 MHz 15.2帧/秒 11.8帧/秒 12 FPS 11 FPS 9.4帧/秒 专为Jetson Nano设计的产品,请参阅 依赖关系。 要运行该应用程序,您必须: 已安装TensorFlow Lite框架。 安装了可选的OpenCV。 代码::已安装块。 ( $ sudo apt-get install codebloc
2022-01-05 07:59:16 12.77MB cpp gpu-acceleration aarch64 tensorflow-examples
2021-12-28 09:04:27 729.6MB FPS游戏《突袭风暴》完整源码(
2021-12-27 23:13:23 26.02MB Unity FPS 实例
帧/秒 实验在ThreeJS中构建FPS游戏 演示版 说明:单击一次可获得更好的鼠标控制(指针锁定)。 再次点击拍摄。 WASD键移动。 鼠标看。 跳跃的空间。 拍摄灯光以将其关闭。 元 非常脏和无组织的代码。 大量的错误。 最小的功能。 两天前,我才刚开始尝试这个项目来尝试ThreeJS! 目前,我已在此实验中尝试过ThreeJS的以下功能: 物体,几何形状,材料,纹理 边界框帮手 点光源,聚光灯,定向光 轻帮手 Undertow 射线投射以进行碰撞检测(不允许穿过墙壁,击中子弹) 指针锁可实现沉浸式鼠标控制 加载OBJ和MTL文件以及纹理 EnvMaps,天空盒 使用数组生成地图 HTML5音频播放和CSS过渡(不是ThreeJS的一部分,而是实验的一部分) 超级简单的重力展示。 需要跳跃。 计划 载入画面 透明度/不透明度 动画制作 多层(高度)地形 程序生成的地图 多人套
2021-12-23 13:23:17 3MB JavaScript
NEW! Unity 2019.3 Universal Rendering Pipeline support! X-Frame FPS Accelerator reduces lag and contributes to higher FPS (Frames Per Second) providing a smooth gameplay to your users. X-Frame is intended for mobile devices (Android and iOS tested) and HDPI screens. As mobile screens pack more and more pixels per inch, you can afford losing some pixels to get those extra FPS when needed. Download X-Frame demo and try it in your project before purchasing. Contact us by email if you have any question. X-Frame works best with scenes with heavy shaders and/or image effects. Includes several methods from static downsamplers which apply specified optimizations regardless of current fps to an adaptative method which varies the image quality depending on current FPS. X-Frame, although customizable, has been designed to work out-of-the-box, just add the main script to your camera and you will gain immediate FPS. You can customize: • the downsampling method (2 static + 1 dynamic adaptative algorithms). • the desired minimum FPS. • the minimum acceptable quality. This minimum can range from a very low value to get the maximum FPS when needed to a high value to get some extra FPS but without loosing too much image quality. • a minimum quality when camera is not moving or rotating. • a nice FPS factor, beyond this X-Frame seamlessly deactivates, reactivating itself again if FPS drops. • optional antialias + sharpen pass. • dynamic control of pixel light count + shadows management. • advanced options based on users feedback based on real cases – quality adaptation speed, rendering methods, … • supports standard/builtin, LWRP and URP. • designed for mobile or high resolution screen devices (VR not recommended). Get X-Frame FPS Accelerator now and boost your mobile game performance! Support Forum | Youtube Channel Even more cool assets!
2021-12-21 11:10:07 121B unity
U3D FPS游戏制作教程 U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程U3D FPS游戏制作教程
2021-12-16 18:41:10 1.14MB U3D Unity3d
HTML5实现第一人称射击游戏 挺好的,FPS游戏,可以下载试试 ,适合广大群众所能理解。
2021-12-14 21:08:41 1.07MB 可以参考
2021-12-11 20:02:44 38.09MB 林海雪原
2021-12-11 00:09:17 6KB Python