GraphDeeSmartContract 此仓库是使用图神经网络(DR-GCN)进行智能合约漏洞检测的python实现。 要求 所需的包 python 3或以上 PyTorch 1.0.0 numpy的1.18.2 sklearn用于模型评估 运行以下脚本以安装所需的软件包。 pip install --upgrade pip pip install torch==1.0.0 pip install numpy==1.18.2 pip install scikit-learn 引文 如果您想在引用我们的或代码库,请使用以下引用: @inproceedings{ijcai2020-454, title = {Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection using Graph Neural Network}, author =
ContractFuzzer generates fuzzing inputs based on the ABI specifications of smart contracts, defines test oracles to detect security vulnerabilities, instruments the EVM to log smart contracts runtime behaviors, and analyzes these logs to report security vulnerabilities.
2021-01-28 05:07:50 1.59MB 智能合约漏洞检测
Securify, a security analyzer for Ethereum smart contracts that is scalable, fully automated, and able to prove contract behaviors as safe/unsafe with respect to a given property. Securify s analysis consists of two steps. First, it symbolically analyzes the contract s dependency graph to extract pr
2021-01-28 05:07:09 1.75MB 智能合约 漏洞检测