自1948年引入信息论以来,信息论已被证明在分析与压缩、存储和传输数据有关的问题方面起着重要作用。例如,信息论允许分析数据通信和压缩的基本限制,并在几十年的实际通信系统设计中发挥了作用。近年来,在使用信息理论方法解决数据压缩、数据通信和网络之外的问题方面出现了复兴,例如压缩感知、数据获取、数据分析、机器学习、图挖掘、社区检测、隐私和公平。在这本书中,我们探索了信号处理、机器学习、学习理论和统计的接口上的一系列广泛的问题,其中源自信息论的工具和方法可以提供类似的好处。几十年来,信息论在这一界面上的作用确实得到了承认。一个突出的例子是在1980年代使用互信息、度量熵和容量等信息理论量来建立估计的极大极小率。在这里,我们打算探索这个界面的现代应用,这些应用正在塑造21世纪的数据科学。 当然,标准信息理论工具与信号处理或数据分析方法之间有一些显著的差异。从整体上说,信息论倾向于关注渐近极限,使用大的块长度,并假设数据是由有限的比特数表示,并通过一个噪声信道观看。标准结果不关心复杂性,而是更多地关注通过可实现性和反向结果表征的基本限制。另一方面,一些信号处理技术,如采样理论,专注于离散时间表示
2022-06-27 22:04:54 9.13MB 机器学习
Actually, this is the lecture notes for CS762 in the University of Waterloo, it is awesome. The prof. is Biedl Therese.
2022-05-12 17:18:07 1.3MB algorithm
Number-theoretic Methods in Statistics - Kaitai Fang, Yuan Wang 的中文版,清晰版,方开泰、王元 合著,英文版由Chapman and Hall/CRC 出版。
2022-03-19 09:02:35 4.08MB Number theoretic
Security in Wireless Systems,inherent openness in wireless communications channel: eavesdropping and jamming attacks.
2021-12-21 19:17:39 966KB 安全
Number-theoretic-Methods-in-Statistics 作者:K.-T. FANG,Y.WANG
2021-11-22 09:19:36 6.93MB 数论方法 统计知识 Number Statis
描述: 用于以下基于MI的特征选择方法的代码(Matlab / C ++ Mex): - 最大相关性 (maxRel) - 最小冗余最大相关性(MRMR) - 最小冗余 (minRed) - 二次编程特征选择 (QPFS) - 互信息商(MIQ) - 最大相关最小总冗余 (MRMTR) 或扩展 MRMR (EMRMR) - 光谱松弛全局条件互信息 (SPEC_CMI) - 条件互信息最小化 (CMIM) - 条件 Infomax 特征提取 (CIFE) 参考: [1] Nguyen X. Vinh、Jeffrey Chan、Simone Romano 和 James Bailey,“基于互信息的特征选择的有效全局方法”。 2014 年 8 月 24 日至 27 日在纽约市举行的第 20 届 ACM SIGKDD 知识发现和数据挖掘会议 (KDD'14) 上发表。
2021-11-11 18:29:29 64KB matlab
SNTO 是一种全局优化方法,在多维域中生成许多点; 选择最佳点,并围绕最佳点的邻域收缩域。 参见示例:统计学中的数论方法 作者:K?ai-t?ai Fang, Yuan Wang
2021-11-05 02:08:33 44KB matlab
(Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics) Mehran Mesbahi, Magnus Egerstedt-Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)-Princeton University Press (2010)
2021-08-20 16:36:57 4.86MB graph theory
This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
2021-05-07 16:17:45 4.85MB 多个体网络 图理论方法
2021-04-11 11:30:33 86B 计算机科学