:high_voltage: 放克 funk-svd是一个Python 3库,实现了著名的SVD算法的快速版本,该算法在竞赛中由Simon Funk。 用于加速算法,使我们的运行速度比的Cython实现(参考)快10倍以上。 电影镜头20M RMSE MAE 时间 惊喜 0.88 0.68 10分40秒 放克-svd 0.88 0.68 42秒 安装 在终端中运行pip install git+https://github.com/gbolmier/funk-svd 。 贡献 欢迎所有贡献,错误报告,错误修复,增强功能和想法。 有关如何贡献的详细概述,请参见。 快速示例 : >> > from funk_svd . dataset import fetch_ml_ratings >> > from funk_svd import SVD >> > from sklearn . metri
2023-03-18 21:08:46 21KB numba recommendation-algorithm Python
Recommendation Algorithm.rar
There are lots of issues existing in traditional collaborative filtering recommendation,.such as data scarcities, cold start, recommendation accuracy and.timeliness. And how to improve the efficiency and quality of recommendation is a.key problem in collaborative recommendation. In the traditional collaborative filtering.algorithms, the rating scale of different users for all projects sometimes may be.neglected while calculating the similarity. Some algorithms such as adjusted cosine.similarity
2021-02-07 12:06:27 832KB 研究论文