2023-03-08 15:44:21 1.53MB JOS MIT6.828 la1 操作系统
%JOS_SVD Jacobi 单面 SVD 程序% % 一个简单的程序,演示了如何使用 jacobi 方法获得% SVD % A 可能是矩形和复数。 % % 使用率:[U,S,V]= JOS_SVD(A) % 或 S = JOS_SVD(A)
2022-10-07 09:56:28 2KB matlab
MIT JOS 操作系统 完整版 从lab1-lab6的完整代码加注释
2022-08-14 18:58:43 1.99MB MIT JOS 操作系统 完整版
2022-07-26 19:03:06 26KB jos lab
JOS LAB3 source code. Do yourself and enjoy it!
2021-12-04 20:51:37 3.43MB JOS lab3
南开大学操作系统课件及作业 任课教师史广顺
2021-11-12 22:22:29 12.91MB 操作系统 OS JOS
使用 Jos Stam 论文的 C++、面向对象和基于物理的烟雾模拟。 模拟灵感来自的论文是:*稳定流体 - Jos Stam *烟雾的视觉模拟 - Ronald Fedkiw、Jos Stam 和 Henrik Wankk Jensen
2021-09-23 18:34:45 24.37MB C++
QRD-RLS Adaptive Filtering Jos´e Antonio Apolin´ario Jr. I feel very honoured to have been asked to write a brief foreword for this book on QRD-RLS Adaptive Filtering – a subjectwhich has been close to my heart for many years. The book is well written and very timely – I look forward personally to seeing it in print. The editor is to be congratulated on assembling such a highly esteemed team of contributing authors able to span the broad range of topics and concepts which underpin this subject. In many respects, and for reasons well expounded by the authors, the LMS algorithm has reigned supreme since its inception, as the algorithm of choice for practical applications of adaptive filtering. However, as a result of the relentless advances in electronic technology, the demand for stable and efficient RLS algorithms is growing rapidly – not just because the higher computational load is no longer such a serious barrier, but also because the technological pull has grown much stronger in the modern commercial world of 3G mobile communications, cognitive radio, high speed imagery, and so on.
2021-09-15 11:30:01 6.05MB QRD RLS Filter Adaptive
MIT JOS Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking完整代码,make grade已通过
2021-08-25 16:23:28 936KB 操作系统
MIT 6.828 JOS 操作系统Lab1 - Lab5的全部代码。 MIT 6.828 是精典的操作系统公开课程。同时也是我们对系统学习和认知的很好的课程。作者曾经也苦于没有很好的实践方案让自己更深入的了解操作系统和x86体系机构。由于在国内很少有人参与和讨论这个实验内容。所以提供源码以便为独立完成这个实验的爱好者提供一些思路和帮助。请本着对自己负责的原则下载和参考相应部分的代码。 祝: 工作顺利。
2021-08-19 16:29:30 12.3MB MIT 6.828 JOS 全部代码