2021-08-19 15:28:07 1.73MB jos xv6 6.828 MIT
2021-07-18 17:12:16 45.57MB JOS Linux
2021-07-18 17:06:49 2.31MB 操作系统 MIT6.8 内核
MIT-JOS-64bit-CSE506 作为在石溪大学教授的操作系统 (CSE-506) 课程实验室项目的一部分,在 64 位 JOS 内核中实现了一些内核功能(最初在麻省理工学院作为学术目的的开源项目开发) 根据上的说明,实现了以下广泛分类主题的一些功能:- 实验 1:x86 汇编、引导加载程序 实验 2:虚拟内存 实验室 3:流程/环境 实验 4:多道程序和 fork 实验 5:文件系统 实验 6:网络驱动程序 Lab7:最终项目——(JOS-on-JOS 虚拟化) 正如实验室网页所引用的:- JOS 可以被认为是一个外内核,其中内核实现了一组最小的核心功能,可以安全地将硬件资源导出到应用程序。 这些低级内核接口可能不方便用户进程直接使用,因此用户进程会利用“库操作系统”(libos)将这些低级导出资源抽象为更方便的编程抽象。 每个实验室都提供了 JOS 操作系统的框架代
2021-07-03 18:03:36 1.76MB C
2021-05-09 22:57:44 1.64MB jos lab2
北京大学所开的精品课程 ,参照MIT课程培养计划设置,jos 操作系统 实验报告,张弛
2021-03-15 17:00:15 3.76MB 北京大学 操作系统 JOS 实验报告
mit jos lab4代码及其实验报告已经完全通过的检测 并且得到了A+的成绩(给老师讲解)
2020-01-10 03:08:30 1.1MB mit jos lab4 代码
WebGL makes it possible to create 3D graphics in the browser without having to use plugins such as Flash and Java. Programming WebGL, however, is difficult and complex. With Three.js, it is possible to create stunning 3D graphics in an intuitive manner using JavaScript, without having to learn WebGL. With this book, you’ll learn how to create and animate beautiful looking 3D scenes directly in your browser-utilizing the full potential of WebGL and modern browsers. It starts with the basic concepts and building blocks used in Three.js. From there on, it will expand on these subjects using extensive examples and code samples. You will learn to create, or load, from externally created models, realistic looking 3D objects using materials and textures. You’ll find out how to easily control the camera using the Three.js built-in in camera controls, which will enable you to fly or walk around the 3D scene you created. You will then use the HTML5 video and canvas elements as a material for your 3D objects and to animate your models. Finally, you will learn to use morph and skeleton-based animation, and even how to add physics, such as gravity and collision detection, to your scene. After reading this book, you’ll know everything that is required to create 3D animated graphics using Three.js.
2020-01-03 11:43:05 63.67MB three webgl pdf canvas
2019-12-21 20:59:34 463KB jos phpsdk
MIT JOS Lab2: Memory Management,上海交通大学最新版本的JOS Lab2完整版代码,80分测试满分 详细解析地址:
2019-12-21 20:40:38 953KB JOS Lab