terraform-google-kubernetes-engine:创建Google Kubernetes Engine集群(稳定)
2023-04-14 16:00:14 8KB kubernetes terraform gke google-cloud-platform
一种用于为 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 自动构建 VM 映像的工具。Imagebuilder 使用 Chef cookbooks 和 Packer 在 GCP 上运行 VM 实例、安装其他软件、对其进行配置并创建从用户敏感数据中清除的 VM 映像
2022-06-15 09:07:03 43KB shell
gcp审核 此代码纯粹是为后代而存在,不再开发或维护。 请向寻求您的GCP审核需求。 PyPi包gcp-audit是不同的东西。 审核GCP项目安全属性的工具。 受启发。 gcp-audit接受一组项目,并对其规则集定义的常见问题进行审核。 问题可能包括但肯定不限于具有对所有人的读/写权限的存储桶以及具有向Internet公开的服务的计算引擎实例。 结果将写入到报告中,该报告包含有关发现的问题的信息以及有关发现这些问题的对象的信息,以便可以解决这些问题。 gcp-audit当前处于Alpha状态。 我们正在积极改进它,Spotify的生产环境是我们当前的测试套件。 安装 运行pip install git+https://github.com/spotify/gcp-audit.git 。 用法 usage: gcp-audit.py [-h] [-c CHECKS] [-k KE
在Node.js中使用Google Dialogflow,Google Firestore和Google Cloud Functions的Whatsapp Chatbot 使用Google Dialogflow和Google Cloud功能构建了一个Whatsapp聊天机器人。 机器人对话流程是使用Intents在dialogflow中构建的。chatbot使用请求响应格式。 有些响应是静态的,不会改变,因此可以在dialogflow中对其进行硬编码。 但是对于将对话变为对话的消息,需要进行一些计算,因此,这种逻辑托管在名为“ Dialogflow Fulfillment”的服务器上,在这种情况下,我使用了Google Cloud函数。 对话流架构名为“ dialogflow-agent.zip”的zip文件具有对话流代理,该对话流代理具有会话的整个结构。 通过云函数托管的Dial
2021-11-25 15:42:57 232KB JavaScript
Google云端平台(英语:Google Cloud Platform)是一项使用了Google核心基础架构、数据分析和机器学习技术的云计算服务。提供用于Google搜索和YouTube等终端用户产品的相同支持基础设施托管和开发人员产品,用于构建从简单网站到复杂应用程序的一系列程序,并提供一系列模块化的基于云的服务和大量开发工具,例如托管和计算、云存储、数据存储、翻译API、预测API。
2021-05-29 04:26:35 6.37MB Google Cloud Google 谷歌
GUIA COMPLETA-从零到助理云工程师 塞萨尔·卡斯蒂略 特马里奥 1.-设置云解决方案环境 1.1.-设置云项目和帐户 1.2.-管理计费配置 1.3.-安装和配置命令行界面(CLI),特别是Cloud SDK(例如,设置默认项目)。 2.-规划和配置云解决方案 2.1.-使用定价计算器计划和估算GCP产品使用情况 2.2.-规划和配置计算资源 2.3.-规划和配置数据存储选项 2.4.-规划和配置网络资源 3.-部署和实施云解决方案 3.1.-部署和实施Compute Engine资源 3.2.-部署和实施Kubernetes Engine资源 3.3.-部署和实施App Engine和Cloud Functions资源 3.4.-部署和实施数据解决方案 3.5.-部署和实施网络资源 3.6.-使用Cloud Launcher部署解决方案 3.7.-使用Deployment
2021-03-21 13:10:47 1.02MB
eBook Description: Google Cloud Platform Administration: Make the most of GCP’s offerings to manage your data center workload and optimize deployments Google Cloud Platform Administration begins with GCP fundamentals, with the help of which you will deploy your first app and gain an understanding of Google Cloud architecture and services. Furthermore, you will learn how to manage Compute, networking, and storage resources. As you make your way through the book, you will learn how to track and manage GCP’s usage, monitoring, and billing access control. You will also be able to manage your GCP’s access and permissions. In the concluding chapters, you will explore a list of different developer tools for managing and interacting with the GCP platform. On-premise data centers are costly to manage. If you need a data center but don’t want to deal with a physical one, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the solution. With GCP, you can build, test, and deploy applications on Google’s infrastructure. By the end of this book, you will have learned how to effectively deploy workloads on GCP.
2020-01-03 11:28:57 14.6MB google clound
Get acquainted with GCP and manage robust, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objective Key Features Identify the strengths, weaknesses and ideal use-cases for individual services offered on the Google Cloud Platform Make intelligent choices about which cloud technology works best for your use-case Leverage Google Cloud Platform to analyze and optimize technical and business processes Book Description Using a public cloud platform was considered risky a decade ago, and unconventional even just a few years ago. Today, however, use of the public cloud is completely mainstream – the norm, rather than the exception. Several leading technology firms, including Google, have built sophisticated cloud platforms, and are locked in a fierce competition for market share. The main goal of this book is to enable you to get the best out of the GCP, and to use it with confidence and competence. You will learn why cloud architectures take the forms that they do, and this will help you become a skilled high-level cloud architect. You will also learn how individual cloud services are configured and used, so that you are never intimidated at having to build it yourself. You will also learn the right way and the right situation in which to use the important GCP services. By the end of this book, you will be able to make the most out of Google Cloud Platform design. What you will learn Set up GCP account and utilize GCP services using the cloud shell, web console, and client APIs Harness the power of App Engine, Compute Engine, Containers on the Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions Pick the right managed service for your data needs, choosing intelligently between Datastore, BigTable, and BigQuery Migrate existing Hadoop, Spark, and Pig workloads with minimal disruption to your existing data infrastructure, by using Dataproc intelligently Derive insights about the health, performance, and availability of cloud-powered applications with the help of monitoring,
2019-12-21 21:07:24 9.26MB google gcp