介绍pspice频域仿真的相关操作,并重点介绍了伯德图绘制的两种方法 1. In setting up the simulation profile, we will choose a “AC Sweep/Noise” analysis, in which a frequency range is specified. The complex voltages and currents in the circuit will be calculated over a range frequencies, which will specify. 2. We need to use an AC voltage or current source. We can specify the amplitude of the source. Most typically, we will use a voltage source with an amplitude of 1 V. 3. We use probes to generate the frequency response plots, which show up in separate windows.
2022-05-09 21:45:35 610KB pspice frequence response bode
2019-12-21 19:40:35 361B Matlab 图像处理 空间频率